01 of 07

C Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Caug Piano Chords | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: C• Major Third: E• Augmented Fifth: G♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Cmajor | Cmajor6 | Cmajor7 | Cmajor9   ▪ Cminor | Cminor6 | Cminor7 | Cminor9     ▪ C diminished | C diminished 7th     ▪ C augmented | C augmented 7th     ▪ C sus 2nd     ▪ C sus 4th

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02 of 07

D Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Daug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: D• Major Third: F♯• Augmented Fifth: A♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

   ▪ Dmajor | Dmajor6 | Dmajor7 | Dmajor9▪ Dminor | Dminor6 | Dminor7 | Dminor9   ▪ D diminished | D diminished 7th   ▪ D augmented | D augmented 7th   ▪ D sus 2nd   ▪ D sus 4th

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03 of 07

E Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Eaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: E• Major Third: G♯• Augmented Fifth: B♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Emajor | Emajor6 | Emajor7 | Emajor9   ▪ Eminor | Eminor6 | Eminor7 | Eminor9     ▪ E diminished | E diminished 7th     ▪ E augmented | E augmented 7th     ▪ E sus 2nd     ▪ E sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

04 of 07

F Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Faug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: F• Major Third: A• Augmented Fifth: C♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Fmajor | Fmajor6 | Fmajor7 | Fmajor9   ▪ Fminor | Fminor6 | Fminor7 | Fminor9     ▪ F diminished | F diminished 7th     ▪ F augmented | F augmented 7th     ▪ F sus 2nd     ▪ F sus 4th

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05 of 07

G Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Gaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: G• Major Third: B• Augmented Fifth: D♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Gmajor | Gmajor6 | Gmajor7 | Gmajor9   ▪ Gminor | Gminor6 | Gminor7 | Gminor9     ▪ G diminished | G diminished 7th     ▪ G augmented | G augmented 7th     ▪ G sus 2nd     ▪ G sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

06 of 07

A Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Aaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: A• Major Third: C♯• Augmented Fifth: E♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Amajor | Amajor6 | Amajor7 | Amajor9   ▪ Aminor | Aminor6 | Aminor7 | Aminor9     ▪ A diminished | A diminished 7th     ▪ A augmented | A augmented 7th     ▪ A sus 2nd     ▪ A sus 4th

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07 of 07

B Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Baug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: B• Major Third: D♯• Augmented Fifth: Fx (double-sharp)

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Bmajor | Bmajor6 | Bmajor7 | Bmajor9   ▪ Bminor | Bminor6 | Bminor7 | Bminor9     ▪ B diminished | B diminished 7th     ▪ B augmented | B augmented 7th     ▪ B sus 2nd     ▪ B sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

01 of 07

C Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Caug Piano Chords | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: C• Major Third: E• Augmented Fifth: G♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Cmajor | Cmajor6 | Cmajor7 | Cmajor9   ▪ Cminor | Cminor6 | Cminor7 | Cminor9     ▪ C diminished | C diminished 7th     ▪ C augmented | C augmented 7th     ▪ C sus 2nd     ▪ C sus 4th

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02 of 07

D Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Daug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: D• Major Third: F♯• Augmented Fifth: A♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

   ▪ Dmajor | Dmajor6 | Dmajor7 | Dmajor9▪ Dminor | Dminor6 | Dminor7 | Dminor9   ▪ D diminished | D diminished 7th   ▪ D augmented | D augmented 7th   ▪ D sus 2nd   ▪ D sus 4th

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03 of 07

E Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Eaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: E• Major Third: G♯• Augmented Fifth: B♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Emajor | Emajor6 | Emajor7 | Emajor9   ▪ Eminor | Eminor6 | Eminor7 | Eminor9     ▪ E diminished | E diminished 7th     ▪ E augmented | E augmented 7th     ▪ E sus 2nd     ▪ E sus 4th

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04 of 07

F Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Faug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: F• Major Third: A• Augmented Fifth: C♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Fmajor | Fmajor6 | Fmajor7 | Fmajor9   ▪ Fminor | Fminor6 | Fminor7 | Fminor9     ▪ F diminished | F diminished 7th     ▪ F augmented | F augmented 7th     ▪ F sus 2nd     ▪ F sus 4th

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05 of 07

G Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Gaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: G• Major Third: B• Augmented Fifth: D♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Gmajor | Gmajor6 | Gmajor7 | Gmajor9   ▪ Gminor | Gminor6 | Gminor7 | Gminor9     ▪ G diminished | G diminished 7th     ▪ G augmented | G augmented 7th     ▪ G sus 2nd     ▪ G sus 4th

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06 of 07

A Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Aaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: A• Major Third: C♯• Augmented Fifth: E♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Amajor | Amajor6 | Amajor7 | Amajor9   ▪ Aminor | Aminor6 | Aminor7 | Aminor9     ▪ A diminished | A diminished 7th     ▪ A augmented | A augmented 7th     ▪ A sus 2nd     ▪ A sus 4th

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07 of 07

B Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Baug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: B• Major Third: D♯• Augmented Fifth: Fx (double-sharp)

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Bmajor | Bmajor6 | Bmajor7 | Bmajor9   ▪ Bminor | Bminor6 | Bminor7 | Bminor9     ▪ B diminished | B diminished 7th     ▪ B augmented | B augmented 7th     ▪ B sus 2nd     ▪ B sus 4th

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01 of 07

C Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Caug Piano Chords | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: C• Major Third: E• Augmented Fifth: G♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Cmajor | Cmajor6 | Cmajor7 | Cmajor9   ▪ Cminor | Cminor6 | Cminor7 | Cminor9     ▪ C diminished | C diminished 7th     ▪ C augmented | C augmented 7th     ▪ C sus 2nd     ▪ C sus 4th

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02 of 07

D Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Daug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: D• Major Third: F♯• Augmented Fifth: A♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

   ▪ Dmajor | Dmajor6 | Dmajor7 | Dmajor9▪ Dminor | Dminor6 | Dminor7 | Dminor9   ▪ D diminished | D diminished 7th   ▪ D augmented | D augmented 7th   ▪ D sus 2nd   ▪ D sus 4th

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03 of 07

E Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Eaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: E• Major Third: G♯• Augmented Fifth: B♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Emajor | Emajor6 | Emajor7 | Emajor9   ▪ Eminor | Eminor6 | Eminor7 | Eminor9     ▪ E diminished | E diminished 7th     ▪ E augmented | E augmented 7th     ▪ E sus 2nd     ▪ E sus 4th

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04 of 07

F Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Faug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: F• Major Third: A• Augmented Fifth: C♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Fmajor | Fmajor6 | Fmajor7 | Fmajor9   ▪ Fminor | Fminor6 | Fminor7 | Fminor9     ▪ F diminished | F diminished 7th     ▪ F augmented | F augmented 7th     ▪ F sus 2nd     ▪ F sus 4th

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05 of 07

G Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Gaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: G• Major Third: B• Augmented Fifth: D♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Gmajor | Gmajor6 | Gmajor7 | Gmajor9   ▪ Gminor | Gminor6 | Gminor7 | Gminor9     ▪ G diminished | G diminished 7th     ▪ G augmented | G augmented 7th     ▪ G sus 2nd     ▪ G sus 4th

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06 of 07

A Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Aaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: A• Major Third: C♯• Augmented Fifth: E♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Amajor | Amajor6 | Amajor7 | Amajor9   ▪ Aminor | Aminor6 | Aminor7 | Aminor9     ▪ A diminished | A diminished 7th     ▪ A augmented | A augmented 7th     ▪ A sus 2nd     ▪ A sus 4th

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07 of 07

B Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Baug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: B• Major Third: D♯• Augmented Fifth: Fx (double-sharp)

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Bmajor | Bmajor6 | Bmajor7 | Bmajor9   ▪ Bminor | Bminor6 | Bminor7 | Bminor9     ▪ B diminished | B diminished 7th     ▪ B augmented | B augmented 7th     ▪ B sus 2nd     ▪ B sus 4th

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01 of 07

C Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Caug Piano Chords | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: C• Major Third: E• Augmented Fifth: G♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Cmajor | Cmajor6 | Cmajor7 | Cmajor9   ▪ Cminor | Cminor6 | Cminor7 | Cminor9     ▪ C diminished | C diminished 7th     ▪ C augmented | C augmented 7th     ▪ C sus 2nd     ▪ C sus 4th

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02 of 07

D Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Daug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: D• Major Third: F♯• Augmented Fifth: A♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

   ▪ Dmajor | Dmajor6 | Dmajor7 | Dmajor9▪ Dminor | Dminor6 | Dminor7 | Dminor9   ▪ D diminished | D diminished 7th   ▪ D augmented | D augmented 7th   ▪ D sus 2nd   ▪ D sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

03 of 07

E Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Eaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: E• Major Third: G♯• Augmented Fifth: B♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Emajor | Emajor6 | Emajor7 | Emajor9   ▪ Eminor | Eminor6 | Eminor7 | Eminor9     ▪ E diminished | E diminished 7th     ▪ E augmented | E augmented 7th     ▪ E sus 2nd     ▪ E sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

04 of 07

F Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Faug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: F• Major Third: A• Augmented Fifth: C♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Fmajor | Fmajor6 | Fmajor7 | Fmajor9   ▪ Fminor | Fminor6 | Fminor7 | Fminor9     ▪ F diminished | F diminished 7th     ▪ F augmented | F augmented 7th     ▪ F sus 2nd     ▪ F sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

05 of 07

G Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Gaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: G• Major Third: B• Augmented Fifth: D♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Gmajor | Gmajor6 | Gmajor7 | Gmajor9   ▪ Gminor | Gminor6 | Gminor7 | Gminor9     ▪ G diminished | G diminished 7th     ▪ G augmented | G augmented 7th     ▪ G sus 2nd     ▪ G sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

06 of 07

A Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Aaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: A• Major Third: C♯• Augmented Fifth: E♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Amajor | Amajor6 | Amajor7 | Amajor9   ▪ Aminor | Aminor6 | Aminor7 | Aminor9     ▪ A diminished | A diminished 7th     ▪ A augmented | A augmented 7th     ▪ A sus 2nd     ▪ A sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

07 of 07

B Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Sidney Llyn

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

Baug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: B• Major Third: D♯• Augmented Fifth: Fx (double-sharp)

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Bmajor | Bmajor6 | Bmajor7 | Bmajor9   ▪ Bminor | Bminor6 | Bminor7 | Bminor9     ▪ B diminished | B diminished 7th     ▪ B augmented | B augmented 7th     ▪ B sus 2nd     ▪ B sus 4th

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01 of 07

C Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

01 of 07


of 07

Caug Piano Chords | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: C• Major Third: E• Augmented Fifth: G♯

About Augmented Chords

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

Switch Chord Type:

     ▪ Cmajor | Cmajor6 | Cmajor7 | Cmajor9   ▪ Cminor | Cminor6 | Cminor7 | Cminor9     ▪ C diminished | C diminished 7th     ▪ C augmented | C augmented 7th     ▪ C sus 2nd     ▪ C sus 4th

■ Back to Master Chord Index

02 of 07

D Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

Go to chord:Ab A A# ▪ Bb B B# ▪ Cb C C# ▪ Db D D# ▪ Eb E E# ▪ Fb F F# ▪ Gb G G#

02 of 07


Daug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: D• Major Third: F♯• Augmented Fifth: A♯

An augmented chord (abbreviated aug or with the symbol +) lacks a tonal focal point. The intervals of an augmented triad are both four half steps; the chord is too balanced, which makes the ear crave a note or chord that can resolve it, often a major chord.

   ▪ Dmajor | Dmajor6 | Dmajor7 | Dmajor9▪ Dminor | Dminor6 | Dminor7 | Dminor9   ▪ D diminished | D diminished 7th   ▪ D augmented | D augmented 7th   ▪ D sus 2nd   ▪ D sus 4th

03 of 07

E Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

03 of 07


Eaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: E• Major Third: G♯• Augmented Fifth: B♯

     ▪ Emajor | Emajor6 | Emajor7 | Emajor9   ▪ Eminor | Eminor6 | Eminor7 | Eminor9     ▪ E diminished | E diminished 7th     ▪ E augmented | E augmented 7th     ▪ E sus 2nd     ▪ E sus 4th

04 of 07

F Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

04 of 07


Faug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: F• Major Third: A• Augmented Fifth: C♯


     ▪ Fmajor | Fmajor6 | Fmajor7 | Fmajor9   ▪ Fminor | Fminor6 | Fminor7 | Fminor9     ▪ F diminished | F diminished 7th     ▪ F augmented | F augmented 7th     ▪ F sus 2nd     ▪ F sus 4th

05 of 07

G Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

05 of 07


Gaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: G• Major Third: B• Augmented Fifth: D♯

     ▪ Gmajor | Gmajor6 | Gmajor7 | Gmajor9   ▪ Gminor | Gminor6 | Gminor7 | Gminor9     ▪ G diminished | G diminished 7th     ▪ G augmented | G augmented 7th     ▪ G sus 2nd     ▪ G sus 4th

06 of 07

A Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

06 of 07


Aaug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: A• Major Third: C♯• Augmented Fifth: E♯

     ▪ Amajor | Amajor6 | Amajor7 | Amajor9   ▪ Aminor | Aminor6 | Aminor7 | Aminor9     ▪ A diminished | A diminished 7th     ▪ A augmented | A augmented 7th     ▪ A sus 2nd     ▪ A sus 4th

07 of 07

B Augmented Chord | Piano Triads

07 of 07


Baug Piano Chord | View as Bass Chord

• Root Note: B• Major Third: D♯• Augmented Fifth: Fx (double-sharp)

     ▪ Bmajor | Bmajor6 | Bmajor7 | Bmajor9   ▪ Bminor | Bminor6 | Bminor7 | Bminor9     ▪ B diminished | B diminished 7th     ▪ B augmented | B augmented 7th     ▪ B sus 2nd     ▪ B sus 4th