There’s a common myth that if you want to get something for free, to have to jump through every hoop to get it, and it’s usually not worth it. That’s simply not true. Anyone who’s been getting free samples on a regular basis can tell you that.

It really is possible to get free samples in the mail without filling out surveys. I get freebies almost every day in my mailbox, and I never answer a survey to get them. Actually, a long survey could mean that it’s a scam.

Look below to find out how to avoid the surveys, get out of answering them, and why filling out a survey to get a freebie may be a downright bad idea.

The Latest Free Samples Without Surveys

To see the latest free samples and freebies, you’ll want to check out this free samples by mail list that’s updated daily with the newest free samples. These are legitimate free samples and there aren’t any lengthy surveys you have to go through to get them. They only take a few minutes to submit your mailing information.

You’ll be able to see today’s free samples, yesterday’s free samples, and then older free samples that are still valid and taking requests. Don’t just skip those older ones, there are some good free samples in there that don’t require any surveys. Don’t get frustrated if there are a few days of no free samples, they come and go frequently!

What’s Required and What’s Not to Get Free Samples

When you go to request a free sample, you at minimum have to tell the company your name and your address so they can mail you the items. Of course, you’ll want to submit this information so you can get the free sample mailed to you.

They also will usually ask for your email address. I’m not going to lie to you, this is probably to add you to their mailing list. If you’re concerned about this, sign up for a separate email address to use just for free samples. There may also be an option at the bottom of the request form to opt-out of any newsletters they’d like to add you to.

Some companies might want you to answer a few survey questions to get your freebie. However, a lot of these aren’t required, and you can submit the form without answering them. Keep your eye out for an asterisk or another indicator that specifies the required and optional parts of the freebie form. They’ll still send out your free sample as long as you fill out whatever is required. Filling out or not filling out these optional form fields won’t have any impact on getting or not getting the free sample.

You do, however, want to answer the questions that are required and that you feel comfortable answering. This is one of the top ways to make sure that the free samples you request actually arrive.

Long Surveys Could Mean a Scam

If you run across a free sample or freebie that requires you to answer pages upon pages of survey questions or sign up for trial offers, run far, far away as quickly as you can.

These are signs of a freebie scam, so you’ll want to avoid them. Either the person is running a website so they can make affiliate money when you sign up for programs, or they are trying to steal your information.

An exception to the rule are free magazine subscriptions. These have long surveys attached to them, but you can easily skip complete sections by saying “no thanks,” which is usually in tiny letters somewhere on the page.

Remember to never, ever provide your credit card information to get a freebie. A legitimate freebie isn’t worth getting unauthorized charges on your credit card or having your identity stolen.

Privacy and Free Samples Surveys

There are the occasional legitimate free samples that will ask you a few survey questions. They do this to either see if you qualify or so they can get more information about who wants to try their product.

If you feel uncomfortable answering these questions, then move on. It’s not worth giving up your privacy to get something for free. There will be plenty of other free samples and freebies to request.

There’s a common myth that if you want to get something for free, to have to jump through every hoop to get it, and it’s usually not worth it. That’s simply not true. Anyone who’s been getting free samples on a regular basis can tell you that.

It really is possible to get free samples in the mail without filling out surveys. I get freebies almost every day in my mailbox, and I never answer a survey to get them. Actually, a long survey could mean that it’s a scam.

Look below to find out how to avoid the surveys, get out of answering them, and why filling out a survey to get a freebie may be a downright bad idea.

The Latest Free Samples Without Surveys

To see the latest free samples and freebies, you’ll want to check out this free samples by mail list that’s updated daily with the newest free samples. These are legitimate free samples and there aren’t any lengthy surveys you have to go through to get them. They only take a few minutes to submit your mailing information.

You’ll be able to see today’s free samples, yesterday’s free samples, and then older free samples that are still valid and taking requests. Don’t just skip those older ones, there are some good free samples in there that don’t require any surveys. Don’t get frustrated if there are a few days of no free samples, they come and go frequently!

What’s Required and What’s Not to Get Free Samples

When you go to request a free sample, you at minimum have to tell the company your name and your address so they can mail you the items. Of course, you’ll want to submit this information so you can get the free sample mailed to you.

They also will usually ask for your email address. I’m not going to lie to you, this is probably to add you to their mailing list. If you’re concerned about this, sign up for a separate email address to use just for free samples. There may also be an option at the bottom of the request form to opt-out of any newsletters they’d like to add you to.

Some companies might want you to answer a few survey questions to get your freebie. However, a lot of these aren’t required, and you can submit the form without answering them. Keep your eye out for an asterisk or another indicator that specifies the required and optional parts of the freebie form. They’ll still send out your free sample as long as you fill out whatever is required. Filling out or not filling out these optional form fields won’t have any impact on getting or not getting the free sample.

You do, however, want to answer the questions that are required and that you feel comfortable answering. This is one of the top ways to make sure that the free samples you request actually arrive.

Long Surveys Could Mean a Scam

If you run across a free sample or freebie that requires you to answer pages upon pages of survey questions or sign up for trial offers, run far, far away as quickly as you can.

These are signs of a freebie scam, so you’ll want to avoid them. Either the person is running a website so they can make affiliate money when you sign up for programs, or they are trying to steal your information.

An exception to the rule are free magazine subscriptions. These have long surveys attached to them, but you can easily skip complete sections by saying “no thanks,” which is usually in tiny letters somewhere on the page.

Remember to never, ever provide your credit card information to get a freebie. A legitimate freebie isn’t worth getting unauthorized charges on your credit card or having your identity stolen.

Privacy and Free Samples Surveys

There are the occasional legitimate free samples that will ask you a few survey questions. They do this to either see if you qualify or so they can get more information about who wants to try their product.

If you feel uncomfortable answering these questions, then move on. It’s not worth giving up your privacy to get something for free. There will be plenty of other free samples and freebies to request.

There’s a common myth that if you want to get something for free, to have to jump through every hoop to get it, and it’s usually not worth it. That’s simply not true. Anyone who’s been getting free samples on a regular basis can tell you that.

It really is possible to get free samples in the mail without filling out surveys. I get freebies almost every day in my mailbox, and I never answer a survey to get them. Actually, a long survey could mean that it’s a scam.

Look below to find out how to avoid the surveys, get out of answering them, and why filling out a survey to get a freebie may be a downright bad idea.

The Latest Free Samples Without Surveys

To see the latest free samples and freebies, you’ll want to check out this free samples by mail list that’s updated daily with the newest free samples. These are legitimate free samples and there aren’t any lengthy surveys you have to go through to get them. They only take a few minutes to submit your mailing information.

You’ll be able to see today’s free samples, yesterday’s free samples, and then older free samples that are still valid and taking requests. Don’t just skip those older ones, there are some good free samples in there that don’t require any surveys. Don’t get frustrated if there are a few days of no free samples, they come and go frequently!

What’s Required and What’s Not to Get Free Samples

When you go to request a free sample, you at minimum have to tell the company your name and your address so they can mail you the items. Of course, you’ll want to submit this information so you can get the free sample mailed to you.

They also will usually ask for your email address. I’m not going to lie to you, this is probably to add you to their mailing list. If you’re concerned about this, sign up for a separate email address to use just for free samples. There may also be an option at the bottom of the request form to opt-out of any newsletters they’d like to add you to.

Some companies might want you to answer a few survey questions to get your freebie. However, a lot of these aren’t required, and you can submit the form without answering them. Keep your eye out for an asterisk or another indicator that specifies the required and optional parts of the freebie form. They’ll still send out your free sample as long as you fill out whatever is required. Filling out or not filling out these optional form fields won’t have any impact on getting or not getting the free sample.

You do, however, want to answer the questions that are required and that you feel comfortable answering. This is one of the top ways to make sure that the free samples you request actually arrive.

Long Surveys Could Mean a Scam

If you run across a free sample or freebie that requires you to answer pages upon pages of survey questions or sign up for trial offers, run far, far away as quickly as you can.

These are signs of a freebie scam, so you’ll want to avoid them. Either the person is running a website so they can make affiliate money when you sign up for programs, or they are trying to steal your information.

An exception to the rule are free magazine subscriptions. These have long surveys attached to them, but you can easily skip complete sections by saying “no thanks,” which is usually in tiny letters somewhere on the page.

Remember to never, ever provide your credit card information to get a freebie. A legitimate freebie isn’t worth getting unauthorized charges on your credit card or having your identity stolen.

Privacy and Free Samples Surveys

There are the occasional legitimate free samples that will ask you a few survey questions. They do this to either see if you qualify or so they can get more information about who wants to try their product.

If you feel uncomfortable answering these questions, then move on. It’s not worth giving up your privacy to get something for free. There will be plenty of other free samples and freebies to request.

There’s a common myth that if you want to get something for free, to have to jump through every hoop to get it, and it’s usually not worth it. That’s simply not true. Anyone who’s been getting free samples on a regular basis can tell you that.

It really is possible to get free samples in the mail without filling out surveys. I get freebies almost every day in my mailbox, and I never answer a survey to get them. Actually, a long survey could mean that it’s a scam.

Look below to find out how to avoid the surveys, get out of answering them, and why filling out a survey to get a freebie may be a downright bad idea.

The Latest Free Samples Without Surveys

To see the latest free samples and freebies, you’ll want to check out this free samples by mail list that’s updated daily with the newest free samples. These are legitimate free samples and there aren’t any lengthy surveys you have to go through to get them. They only take a few minutes to submit your mailing information.

You’ll be able to see today’s free samples, yesterday’s free samples, and then older free samples that are still valid and taking requests. Don’t just skip those older ones, there are some good free samples in there that don’t require any surveys. Don’t get frustrated if there are a few days of no free samples, they come and go frequently!

What’s Required and What’s Not to Get Free Samples

When you go to request a free sample, you at minimum have to tell the company your name and your address so they can mail you the items. Of course, you’ll want to submit this information so you can get the free sample mailed to you.

They also will usually ask for your email address. I’m not going to lie to you, this is probably to add you to their mailing list. If you’re concerned about this, sign up for a separate email address to use just for free samples. There may also be an option at the bottom of the request form to opt-out of any newsletters they’d like to add you to.

Some companies might want you to answer a few survey questions to get your freebie. However, a lot of these aren’t required, and you can submit the form without answering them. Keep your eye out for an asterisk or another indicator that specifies the required and optional parts of the freebie form. They’ll still send out your free sample as long as you fill out whatever is required. Filling out or not filling out these optional form fields won’t have any impact on getting or not getting the free sample.

You do, however, want to answer the questions that are required and that you feel comfortable answering. This is one of the top ways to make sure that the free samples you request actually arrive.

Long Surveys Could Mean a Scam

If you run across a free sample or freebie that requires you to answer pages upon pages of survey questions or sign up for trial offers, run far, far away as quickly as you can.

These are signs of a freebie scam, so you’ll want to avoid them. Either the person is running a website so they can make affiliate money when you sign up for programs, or they are trying to steal your information.

An exception to the rule are free magazine subscriptions. These have long surveys attached to them, but you can easily skip complete sections by saying “no thanks,” which is usually in tiny letters somewhere on the page.

Remember to never, ever provide your credit card information to get a freebie. A legitimate freebie isn’t worth getting unauthorized charges on your credit card or having your identity stolen.

Privacy and Free Samples Surveys

There are the occasional legitimate free samples that will ask you a few survey questions. They do this to either see if you qualify or so they can get more information about who wants to try their product.

If you feel uncomfortable answering these questions, then move on. It’s not worth giving up your privacy to get something for free. There will be plenty of other free samples and freebies to request.