Definition of Music Rest:
A rest is a musical symbol that marks the absence of a note. Rests are written in a measure where no note is played; and, like music notes, they are measured in length. Quarter, half, and whole rests are among the most common.*
Music rests only affect the staff in which they occur; a rest in the bass staff won’t affect the treble staff, and vice versa. However, a rest may be written in a staff full of notes if there are two planes of action – continue for a visual example:
View the Different Rest Lengths on the Staff
Rest names may be in U.S. or U.K. English, like notes. A U.S. whole rest is also called a U.K. “semibreve rest”; a quarter rest is also a “crotchet rest,” and so on.
Multilingual Synonyms:
pausa (It)silence (Fr)Pause (Ger)
More Musical Symbols & Commands:
Grand Staff Key Signatures Time Signatures Tempo & Speed
Music Notes Music Rests Sharps & Flats Dotted Notes
Repeat Signs Note Accents Volume Symbols Note Ornaments
How to Read Sheet Music:
● See the notes on the treble and bass staves, as well as their ledger lines, and learn mnemonic devices to help you remember them. ● Key signatures take some time to memorize. Whether you want to identify one or learn how to write one on the staff, this interactive and quick key signature finder will help. ● Tempo Commands Organized By SpeedResource for the most common tempo terms in Italian, French, and German, organized by their BPM (beats per minute). ● How to Read Piano FingeringLittle numbers are sometimes written next to the notes on the staff to help you sort out which fingers you should use on which keys. Fingering is frequently found in beginner notation but is also seen alongside difficult passages in more advanced sheet music. ● Chord Types & Their SymbolsSee the various symbols that specify certain chords in notation, and learn how to form them using simple formulas.
Beginner Piano Lessons ▪ Notes of the Piano Keys ▪ Finding Middle C on the Piano ▪ Left Hand Piano Fingering ▪ How to Count Triplets ▪ Musical Quizzes & TestsGetting Started on Keyboard Instruments ▪ Playing Piano vs. Electric Keyboard ▪ How to Sit at the Piano ▪ Buying a Used PianoForming Piano Chords ▪ Essential Piano Chord Fingering ▪ Left-Hand Chords With Fingering ▪ Comparing Major & Minor Chords ▪ Diminished Chords & DissonancePiano Care & Maintenance ▪ Best Piano Room Conditions ▪ How to Clean Your Piano ▪ Safely Whiten Your Piano Keys ▪ When To Tune Your Piano
great stave
(mp) mezzo piano
Symbols of Piano Music
whole note
beats per minute
key signature
The Staff in Music Notation
How to Read Piano Music
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Definition of Music Rest:
A rest is a musical symbol that marks the absence of a note. Rests are written in a measure where no note is played; and, like music notes, they are measured in length. Quarter, half, and whole rests are among the most common.*
Music rests only affect the staff in which they occur; a rest in the bass staff won’t affect the treble staff, and vice versa. However, a rest may be written in a staff full of notes if there are two planes of action – continue for a visual example:
View the Different Rest Lengths on the Staff
Rest names may be in U.S. or U.K. English, like notes. A U.S. whole rest is also called a U.K. “semibreve rest”; a quarter rest is also a “crotchet rest,” and so on.
Multilingual Synonyms:
pausa (It)silence (Fr)Pause (Ger)
More Musical Symbols & Commands:
Grand Staff Key Signatures Time Signatures Tempo & Speed
Music Notes Music Rests Sharps & Flats Dotted Notes
Repeat Signs Note Accents Volume Symbols Note Ornaments
How to Read Sheet Music:
● See the notes on the treble and bass staves, as well as their ledger lines, and learn mnemonic devices to help you remember them. ● Key signatures take some time to memorize. Whether you want to identify one or learn how to write one on the staff, this interactive and quick key signature finder will help. ● Tempo Commands Organized By SpeedResource for the most common tempo terms in Italian, French, and German, organized by their BPM (beats per minute). ● How to Read Piano FingeringLittle numbers are sometimes written next to the notes on the staff to help you sort out which fingers you should use on which keys. Fingering is frequently found in beginner notation but is also seen alongside difficult passages in more advanced sheet music. ● Chord Types & Their SymbolsSee the various symbols that specify certain chords in notation, and learn how to form them using simple formulas.
Beginner Piano Lessons ▪ Notes of the Piano Keys ▪ Finding Middle C on the Piano ▪ Left Hand Piano Fingering ▪ How to Count Triplets ▪ Musical Quizzes & TestsGetting Started on Keyboard Instruments ▪ Playing Piano vs. Electric Keyboard ▪ How to Sit at the Piano ▪ Buying a Used PianoForming Piano Chords ▪ Essential Piano Chord Fingering ▪ Left-Hand Chords With Fingering ▪ Comparing Major & Minor Chords ▪ Diminished Chords & DissonancePiano Care & Maintenance ▪ Best Piano Room Conditions ▪ How to Clean Your Piano ▪ Safely Whiten Your Piano Keys ▪ When To Tune Your Piano
great stave
(mp) mezzo piano
Symbols of Piano Music
whole note
beats per minute
key signature
The Staff in Music Notation
How to Read Piano Music
When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Cookies Settings Reject All Accept Cookies
Definition of Music Rest:
A rest is a musical symbol that marks the absence of a note. Rests are written in a measure where no note is played; and, like music notes, they are measured in length. Quarter, half, and whole rests are among the most common.*
Music rests only affect the staff in which they occur; a rest in the bass staff won’t affect the treble staff, and vice versa. However, a rest may be written in a staff full of notes if there are two planes of action – continue for a visual example:
View the Different Rest Lengths on the Staff
Rest names may be in U.S. or U.K. English, like notes. A U.S. whole rest is also called a U.K. “semibreve rest”; a quarter rest is also a “crotchet rest,” and so on.
Multilingual Synonyms:
pausa (It)silence (Fr)Pause (Ger)
More Musical Symbols & Commands:
Grand Staff Key Signatures Time Signatures Tempo & Speed
Music Notes Music Rests Sharps & Flats Dotted Notes
Repeat Signs Note Accents Volume Symbols Note Ornaments
How to Read Sheet Music:
● See the notes on the treble and bass staves, as well as their ledger lines, and learn mnemonic devices to help you remember them. ● Key signatures take some time to memorize. Whether you want to identify one or learn how to write one on the staff, this interactive and quick key signature finder will help. ● Tempo Commands Organized By SpeedResource for the most common tempo terms in Italian, French, and German, organized by their BPM (beats per minute). ● How to Read Piano FingeringLittle numbers are sometimes written next to the notes on the staff to help you sort out which fingers you should use on which keys. Fingering is frequently found in beginner notation but is also seen alongside difficult passages in more advanced sheet music. ● Chord Types & Their SymbolsSee the various symbols that specify certain chords in notation, and learn how to form them using simple formulas.
Beginner Piano Lessons ▪ Notes of the Piano Keys ▪ Finding Middle C on the Piano ▪ Left Hand Piano Fingering ▪ How to Count Triplets ▪ Musical Quizzes & TestsGetting Started on Keyboard Instruments ▪ Playing Piano vs. Electric Keyboard ▪ How to Sit at the Piano ▪ Buying a Used PianoForming Piano Chords ▪ Essential Piano Chord Fingering ▪ Left-Hand Chords With Fingering ▪ Comparing Major & Minor Chords ▪ Diminished Chords & DissonancePiano Care & Maintenance ▪ Best Piano Room Conditions ▪ How to Clean Your Piano ▪ Safely Whiten Your Piano Keys ▪ When To Tune Your Piano
Definition of Music Rest:
A rest is a musical symbol that marks the absence of a note. Rests are written in a measure where no note is played; and, like music notes, they are measured in length. Quarter, half, and whole rests are among the most common.*
Music rests only affect the staff in which they occur; a rest in the bass staff won’t affect the treble staff, and vice versa. However, a rest may be written in a staff full of notes if there are two planes of action – continue for a visual example:
- View the Different Rest Lengths on the Staff
- Rest names may be in U.S. or U.K. English, like notes. A U.S. whole rest is also called a U.K. “semibreve rest”; a quarter rest is also a “crotchet rest,” and so on.
Multilingual Synonyms:
- pausa (It)silence (Fr)Pause (Ger)
More Musical Symbols & Commands:
Grand Staff Key Signatures Time Signatures Tempo & Speed
Music Notes Music Rests Sharps & Flats Dotted Notes
Repeat Signs Note Accents Volume Symbols Note Ornaments
How to Read Sheet Music:
● See the notes on the treble and bass staves, as well as their ledger lines, and learn mnemonic devices to help you remember them. ● Key signatures take some time to memorize. Whether you want to identify one or learn how to write one on the staff, this interactive and quick key signature finder will help. ● Tempo Commands Organized By SpeedResource for the most common tempo terms in Italian, French, and German, organized by their BPM (beats per minute). ● How to Read Piano FingeringLittle numbers are sometimes written next to the notes on the staff to help you sort out which fingers you should use on which keys. Fingering is frequently found in beginner notation but is also seen alongside difficult passages in more advanced sheet music. ● Chord Types & Their SymbolsSee the various symbols that specify certain chords in notation, and learn how to form them using simple formulas.
Beginner Piano Lessons ▪ Notes of the Piano Keys ▪ Finding Middle C on the Piano ▪ Left Hand Piano Fingering ▪ How to Count Triplets ▪ Musical Quizzes & TestsGetting Started on Keyboard Instruments ▪ Playing Piano vs. Electric Keyboard ▪ How to Sit at the Piano ▪ Buying a Used PianoForming Piano Chords ▪ Essential Piano Chord Fingering ▪ Left-Hand Chords With Fingering ▪ Comparing Major & Minor Chords ▪ Diminished Chords & DissonancePiano Care & Maintenance ▪ Best Piano Room Conditions ▪ How to Clean Your Piano ▪ Safely Whiten Your Piano Keys ▪ When To Tune Your Piano
How to Read Sheet Music:
● See the notes on the treble and bass staves, as well as their ledger lines, and learn mnemonic devices to help you remember them. ● Key signatures take some time to memorize. Whether you want to identify one or learn how to write one on the staff, this interactive and quick key signature finder will help. ● Tempo Commands Organized By SpeedResource for the most common tempo terms in Italian, French, and German, organized by their BPM (beats per minute). ● How to Read Piano FingeringLittle numbers are sometimes written next to the notes on the staff to help you sort out which fingers you should use on which keys. Fingering is frequently found in beginner notation but is also seen alongside difficult passages in more advanced sheet music. ● Chord Types & Their SymbolsSee the various symbols that specify certain chords in notation, and learn how to form them using simple formulas.
Beginner Piano Lessons ▪ Notes of the Piano Keys ▪ Finding Middle C on the Piano ▪ Left Hand Piano Fingering ▪ How to Count Triplets ▪ Musical Quizzes & TestsGetting Started on Keyboard Instruments ▪ Playing Piano vs. Electric Keyboard ▪ How to Sit at the Piano ▪ Buying a Used PianoForming Piano Chords ▪ Essential Piano Chord Fingering ▪ Left-Hand Chords With Fingering ▪ Comparing Major & Minor Chords ▪ Diminished Chords & DissonancePiano Care & Maintenance ▪ Best Piano Room Conditions ▪ How to Clean Your Piano ▪ Safely Whiten Your Piano Keys ▪ When To Tune Your Piano
great stave
(mp) mezzo piano
Symbols of Piano Music
whole note
beats per minute
key signature
The Staff in Music Notation
How to Read Piano Music
great stave
great stave
(mp) mezzo piano
(mp) mezzo piano
Symbols of Piano Music
Symbols of Piano Music
whole note
whole note
beats per minute
beats per minute
key signature
key signature
The Staff in Music Notation
The Staff in Music Notation
How to Read Piano Music
How to Read Piano Music
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LiveAbout is part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family.
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LiveAbout is part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family.
When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Cookies Settings Reject All Accept Cookies