The PlayStation 2 version of MX vs. ATV Unleashed has cheat codes that unlock all bikes, tracks, and gear. There’s even a cheat for better physics to help you execute impressive tricks and land safely on the ground.
These cheats are for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2, but some codes may also work in versions of the game for other platforms.
Cheats for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2
Enter these codes from the Cheats menu under Options.
Cheat Code Effect
BROKEASAJOKE Add 1,000,000 store points.
BIGBORE Unlock all 500cc bikes.
MINIMOTO Unlock all 50cc bikes.
COUCHES Unlock all ATVs.
BRAPP Unlock all bikes.
HUCKIT Unlock all Freestyle Tracks.
WARDROBE Unlock all gear.
LEADFOOT Unlock all Machine Challenge Tracks.
GOOUTSIDE Unlock all National Tracks.
NOTMOTO Unlock all Open Class Tracks.
WANNABE Unlock all pro riders.
GOINSIDE Unlock all Supercross Tracks.
PITPASS Unlock all tracks.
TOOLAZY Unlock everything.
IAMTOOGOOD Enable pro physics.
How to Score Easy Points
There are a few ways to earn easy points:
Use the dirt bike in single-player freestyle mode to perform backflips for 100,000 points a pop.Go to Goblin Gulch in free ride mode and jump the picnic table near the stone tower for 9,000 points.Go to Boston in freestyle mode with an ATV or dirt bike and drive off the top of the building. You’ll get plenty of air to perform tricks and rack up points.
Landing Tips
Learning landing is essential to pulling off tricks. Here are a few pointers:
When riding an ATV, try to land on the front tires.When riding a bike, try to land on the rear tire.When trying to land no-handed, don’t get too much air, and try to land on all tires.While performing a tsunami, attempt a no-handed landing to execute a front flip.
How to Pop a Wheelie
While on the ground, hold Gas + Clutch for five seconds, then release and hold Down to pop a wheelie.
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Need for Speed: Underground Cheats on PS2
God of War Cheats and God Mode for PS2
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NES Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs
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Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover Cheats for the PSP
PS2 Light Gun Games: Cheats, Tips, and Troubleshooting
Need for Speed: Underground Cheats for PC
Star Wars: Battlefront II Cheats, Codes, and Glitches for Sony PSP
Destiny Cheats, Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs
Call of Duty: World at War Cheats and Codes for PC
Sonic Mania Cheats, Codes, and Walkthrough
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The PlayStation 2 version of MX vs. ATV Unleashed has cheat codes that unlock all bikes, tracks, and gear. There’s even a cheat for better physics to help you execute impressive tricks and land safely on the ground.
These cheats are for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2, but some codes may also work in versions of the game for other platforms.
Cheats for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2
Enter these codes from the Cheats menu under Options.
Cheat Code Effect
BROKEASAJOKE Add 1,000,000 store points.
BIGBORE Unlock all 500cc bikes.
MINIMOTO Unlock all 50cc bikes.
COUCHES Unlock all ATVs.
BRAPP Unlock all bikes.
HUCKIT Unlock all Freestyle Tracks.
WARDROBE Unlock all gear.
LEADFOOT Unlock all Machine Challenge Tracks.
GOOUTSIDE Unlock all National Tracks.
NOTMOTO Unlock all Open Class Tracks.
WANNABE Unlock all pro riders.
GOINSIDE Unlock all Supercross Tracks.
PITPASS Unlock all tracks.
TOOLAZY Unlock everything.
IAMTOOGOOD Enable pro physics.
How to Score Easy Points
There are a few ways to earn easy points:
Use the dirt bike in single-player freestyle mode to perform backflips for 100,000 points a pop.Go to Goblin Gulch in free ride mode and jump the picnic table near the stone tower for 9,000 points.Go to Boston in freestyle mode with an ATV or dirt bike and drive off the top of the building. You’ll get plenty of air to perform tricks and rack up points.
Landing Tips
Learning landing is essential to pulling off tricks. Here are a few pointers:
When riding an ATV, try to land on the front tires.When riding a bike, try to land on the rear tire.When trying to land no-handed, don’t get too much air, and try to land on all tires.While performing a tsunami, attempt a no-handed landing to execute a front flip.
How to Pop a Wheelie
While on the ground, hold Gas + Clutch for five seconds, then release and hold Down to pop a wheelie.
ATV Offroad Fury: 11 Cheats You Should Know
Downhill Domination PS2 Cheat Codes
Tekken 5 Cheats, Codes, and Unlockables for PS2
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks Cheats Codes for PS2
Need for Speed: Underground Cheats on PS2
God of War Cheats and God Mode for PS2
Resident Evil 4 Cheats for PS2
NES Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs
Just Cause 2 Cheats, Cheat Codes, and Walkthroughs
Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover Cheats for the PSP
PS2 Light Gun Games: Cheats, Tips, and Troubleshooting
Need for Speed: Underground Cheats for PC
Star Wars: Battlefront II Cheats, Codes, and Glitches for Sony PSP
Destiny Cheats, Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs
Call of Duty: World at War Cheats and Codes for PC
Sonic Mania Cheats, Codes, and Walkthrough
When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Cookies Settings Reject All Accept Cookies
The PlayStation 2 version of MX vs. ATV Unleashed has cheat codes that unlock all bikes, tracks, and gear. There’s even a cheat for better physics to help you execute impressive tricks and land safely on the ground.
These cheats are for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2, but some codes may also work in versions of the game for other platforms.
Cheats for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2
Enter these codes from the Cheats menu under Options.
Cheat Code Effect
BROKEASAJOKE Add 1,000,000 store points.
BIGBORE Unlock all 500cc bikes.
MINIMOTO Unlock all 50cc bikes.
COUCHES Unlock all ATVs.
BRAPP Unlock all bikes.
HUCKIT Unlock all Freestyle Tracks.
WARDROBE Unlock all gear.
LEADFOOT Unlock all Machine Challenge Tracks.
GOOUTSIDE Unlock all National Tracks.
NOTMOTO Unlock all Open Class Tracks.
WANNABE Unlock all pro riders.
GOINSIDE Unlock all Supercross Tracks.
PITPASS Unlock all tracks.
TOOLAZY Unlock everything.
IAMTOOGOOD Enable pro physics.
How to Score Easy Points
There are a few ways to earn easy points:
Use the dirt bike in single-player freestyle mode to perform backflips for 100,000 points a pop.Go to Goblin Gulch in free ride mode and jump the picnic table near the stone tower for 9,000 points.Go to Boston in freestyle mode with an ATV or dirt bike and drive off the top of the building. You’ll get plenty of air to perform tricks and rack up points.
Landing Tips
Learning landing is essential to pulling off tricks. Here are a few pointers:
When riding an ATV, try to land on the front tires.When riding a bike, try to land on the rear tire.When trying to land no-handed, don’t get too much air, and try to land on all tires.While performing a tsunami, attempt a no-handed landing to execute a front flip.
How to Pop a Wheelie
While on the ground, hold Gas + Clutch for five seconds, then release and hold Down to pop a wheelie.
The PlayStation 2 version of MX vs. ATV Unleashed has cheat codes that unlock all bikes, tracks, and gear. There’s even a cheat for better physics to help you execute impressive tricks and land safely on the ground.
These cheats are for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2, but some codes may also work in versions of the game for other platforms.
Cheats for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2
Enter these codes from the Cheats menu under Options.
These cheats are for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2, but some codes may also work in versions of the game for other platforms.
These cheats are for MX vs. ATV Unleashed on PS2, but some codes may also work in versions of the game for other platforms.
Cheat Code Effect
BROKEASAJOKE Add 1,000,000 store points.
BIGBORE Unlock all 500cc bikes.
MINIMOTO Unlock all 50cc bikes.
COUCHES Unlock all ATVs.
BRAPP Unlock all bikes.
HUCKIT Unlock all Freestyle Tracks.
WARDROBE Unlock all gear.
LEADFOOT Unlock all Machine Challenge Tracks.
GOOUTSIDE Unlock all National Tracks.
NOTMOTO Unlock all Open Class Tracks.
WANNABE Unlock all pro riders.
GOINSIDE Unlock all Supercross Tracks.
PITPASS Unlock all tracks.
TOOLAZY Unlock everything.
IAMTOOGOOD Enable pro physics.
How to Score Easy Points
There are a few ways to earn easy points:
Use the dirt bike in single-player freestyle mode to perform backflips for 100,000 points a pop.Go to Goblin Gulch in free ride mode and jump the picnic table near the stone tower for 9,000 points.Go to Boston in freestyle mode with an ATV or dirt bike and drive off the top of the building. You’ll get plenty of air to perform tricks and rack up points.
Landing Tips
Learning landing is essential to pulling off tricks. Here are a few pointers:
When riding an ATV, try to land on the front tires.When riding a bike, try to land on the rear tire.When trying to land no-handed, don’t get too much air, and try to land on all tires.While performing a tsunami, attempt a no-handed landing to execute a front flip.
How to Pop a Wheelie
While on the ground, hold Gas + Clutch for five seconds, then release and hold Down to pop a wheelie.
How to Score Easy Points
There are a few ways to earn easy points:
- Use the dirt bike in single-player freestyle mode to perform backflips for 100,000 points a pop.Go to Goblin Gulch in free ride mode and jump the picnic table near the stone tower for 9,000 points.Go to Boston in freestyle mode with an ATV or dirt bike and drive off the top of the building. You’ll get plenty of air to perform tricks and rack up points.
Landing Tips
Learning landing is essential to pulling off tricks. Here are a few pointers:
- When riding an ATV, try to land on the front tires.When riding a bike, try to land on the rear tire.When trying to land no-handed, don’t get too much air, and try to land on all tires.While performing a tsunami, attempt a no-handed landing to execute a front flip.
How to Pop a Wheelie
While on the ground, hold Gas + Clutch for five seconds, then release and hold Down to pop a wheelie.
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NES Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs
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Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover Cheats for the PSP
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ATV Offroad Fury: 11 Cheats You Should Know
Downhill Domination PS2 Cheat Codes
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God of War Cheats and God Mode for PS2
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NES Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs
NES Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs
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Just Cause 2 Cheats, Cheat Codes, and Walkthroughs
Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover Cheats for the PSP
Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover Cheats for the PSP
PS2 Light Gun Games: Cheats, Tips, and Troubleshooting
PS2 Light Gun Games: Cheats, Tips, and Troubleshooting
Need for Speed: Underground Cheats for PC
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Star Wars: Battlefront II Cheats, Codes, and Glitches for Sony PSP
Star Wars: Battlefront II Cheats, Codes, and Glitches for Sony PSP
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Call of Duty: World at War Cheats and Codes for PC
Call of Duty: World at War Cheats and Codes for PC
Sonic Mania Cheats, Codes, and Walkthrough
Sonic Mania Cheats, Codes, and Walkthrough
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