10 Good Jobs For Retirees

When retirement isn’t all you thought it would be or your retirement income isn’t cutting it, consider going back to work. Today’s workplace is trending toward flexible work options, and there are many opportunities available for retirees who want to stay active and earn a paycheck. You don’t have to commit to full-time employment to get hired. There are many jobs available that you can do on a freelance, temporary, short-term, part-time, or seasonal basis....

November 5, 2022 · 13 min · 2640 words · Mary Pate

10 Good Luck Foods For A New Year

Each New Year, revelers around the world chow down on specific foods to summon good luck for the next 365 days. While some traditions call for noodles and others call for fruit, all the edibles connote forward movement, prosperity and health. Whether you’re superstitious or not, you may find a favorite in this list of celebratory foods. And if no luck comes your way, at least you’ll go into the new year with a full belly....

November 5, 2022 · 16 min · 3321 words · Tom Lopez

1913 Us Open Golf Tournament David Vs Goliath S

The 1913 U.S. Open is considered by many golf historians one of the most important developments in the history of golf in America - the most important development in the game’s early history in the United States. That’s because the tournament was won by a little-known amateur, a former caddie named Francis Ouimet, a native-born American who defeated two British titans in a playoff. So it was a David-vs.-Goliath(s) story that caught the public imagination....

November 5, 2022 · 17 min · 3427 words · Lillian Lui

8 Funny Videos On Youtube

Looking for funny YouTube videos to watch for a serious laugh? Easier said than done! Over 100 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every single minute, so it can be hard to dig through all of that stuff to find some of the best. Most of us have already seen the big ones like Gangnam Style, Rebecca Black’s Friday or the Double Rainbow Guy thanks to viral word of mouth, but there are tons of other ones hiding on YouTube that are probably just as funny–if not more....

November 5, 2022 · 17 min · 3494 words · Robert Bednorz

How Much Does Accounting Software Cost

The price of accounting software is easy to determine; the costs associated with accounting software, on the other hand, are much more difficult to determine. You can determine the price of your accounting software by asking the vendor how much they charge for their software. The quote you will receive will likely include the licensing fee to meet your needs, but there are other costs of the accounting software that are included in this quote....

November 5, 2022 · 20 min · 4057 words · Jayne Pietrowski

How To Ace A Sales Interview

During an interview for a sales job, your abilities will be on display. Hiring managers and interviewers will be looking to see how confident you are in selling yourself, as well as evidence that you possess strong sales skills. They will also want to get a sense of your familiarity with the company’s products or services. Get tips for how to ace a sales interview. How to Prepare for a Sales Interview...

November 5, 2022 · 17 min · 3414 words · Anthony Lizotte

How To Create Believable Characters

Creating complex, ​well-rounded characters requires time thinking about how your characters look, where they’re from, and what motivates them, among many other things. A good way to help bring your characters to life and to establish a back story for them is to develop answers to a set of questions about them. While much of the information you develop for your characters during the process will never be shared directly with readers, it will help you to understand the character better and more realistically portray how they will react to situations and other characters in your story....

November 5, 2022 · 22 min · 4523 words · Wendy Propes

Important Digital Media Skills That Employers Value

Traditional media jobs continue to decline, but writers and artists with digital media skills can find high demand for their work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that jobs in advertising, promotions, and marketing will grow 6% by 2029. If you’re an editor, writer, or graphic designer, you may be able to transition to a new career path by tweaking your skillset. Jobs That Require Digital Media Skills Digital media job titles include: social media manager, web content manager, multimedia specialist, digital media specialist, content test specialist, game designer, media planner, blogger, digital engagement specialist, brand coordinator, content coordinator, content writer, graphic designer, digital content editor, social media communications strategist, digital photographer, public relations specialist, broadcast news analyst, technical writer, and marketing coordinator....

November 5, 2022 · 13 min · 2728 words · Gladys Vega

Postal 2 Cheat Codes For Pc

Postal 2 is a first-person shooter with a dark sense of humor. Like most PC games, Postal 2 has cheat codes that unlock extra weapons, invincibility, and other secrets. These cheats work in all versions of Postal 2 for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Postal 2 Cheat Codes To activate cheats, press the tilde key (~) or the @ key to display the cheat console, then type sissy. You can then enter the following codes in the console....

November 5, 2022 · 12 min · 2364 words · Treva Shirilla

Social Network Marketing What Is It

Social network marketing is any form of marketing that takes place on social media platforms. This marketing strategy can play out in many different ways, from formal advertising campaigns to informal customer engagement. Learn the basics of social network marketing, examples of popular platforms, and some potential drawbacks to be aware of. What Is Social Network Marketing? Given the popularity of social media, social network marketing is a broad category of marketing....

November 5, 2022 · 19 min · 3960 words · Marie Cepeda

Surprising Examples Of Lapses In Workplace Ethics

Think you are a person of integrity and that you bring your highest standards of ethics to your workplace each day? You may reassess your thinking as you explore the topic of workplace ethics. Despite hundreds of pages of ethics policies, codes of ethics, codes of conduct, organizational values, and carefully defined work environments, company cultures, lapses in workplace ethics occur every day. Lapses in workplace ethics result from inappropriate officer behavior such as insider stock trading, expense account fraud, sexual harassment, and involvement in conflicts of interest....

November 5, 2022 · 30 min · 6313 words · Richard Lippert

The Ebay Research You Should Be Doing As A Seller

Even with the reams and reams of articles and books written about online selling out there, the business often mystifies sellers—particularly sellers that are just starting out or sellers with small or medium-sized operations. It can seem like e-commerce is a kind of black magic, or that it’s fundamentally unpredictable, a win-or-lose game not unlike a visit to a casino’s blackjack table. Most of the time, this feeling exists because the tutorial and how-to information about online selling doesn’t emphasize the importance of research for online selling businesses nearly enough—or because when it does, it doesn’t tell sellers exactly what they need to be researching, and what they’re supposed to be learning as a result....

November 5, 2022 · 32 min · 6756 words · Victor Laigle

Transfering From National Guard Reserve To Active Duty

It is possible to transfer from the active duty ranks to the National Guard or Reserves. In fact, the road is paved quite nicely to make that transition almost seamless. However, to be a Reservist in any branch of service or National Guard, it is quite difficult to transfer into the active duty status. There Is No Simple Transfer Process It actually can take months to process. A reservist or guard member must first be released from their reserve status and basically apply to join the active duty ranks....

November 5, 2022 · 17 min · 3494 words · Christine Reyes

Use This Sample Collection Letter To Get Paid More Efficiently

Is sending collection letters a challenge in your small business? You’re not alone. Many business owners don’t know how to write an effective collection letter or have a sample they can use as a reference. Collection letters should do two things: 1) retain customer goodwill, and 2) help you get paid. A collection letter works when it results in payment or payment arrangements from your clients. If you send out collection letters and there is no response, it’s time to rework your collection letter template....

November 5, 2022 · 8 min · 1704 words · Lori Murphy

What Are The Different Parts Of A Book

Nowadays, a book may be published traditionally or self-published or not even published in print at all. But most book content is arranged in a traditional, prescribed manner. The elements of this content share a common structure, and each element appears in a similar location in every book. The most common are outlined below. Some may not always appear, but when they do, they are in the same place in every book....

November 5, 2022 · 13 min · 2636 words · Patricia Acevedo

What Is Negligence

Negligence is the failure to take proper care appropriate to a given set of circumstances and results in harm to someone else. Negligence may involve carrying out an inappropriate action or failing to carry out an appropriate action. Learn more about negligence and how being sued for negligence could affect your small business. What Is Negligence? The legal standard for determining whether someone has been negligent is what a reasonably prudent person would have done in a similar situation....

November 5, 2022 · 21 min · 4460 words · Marie Bergman

15Y Ah 64 Armament Electrical Avionic Systems Repairer

As an AH-64 armament/electrical/avionic systems repairperson, you will maintain twin-engine attack helicopters. You will work on instruments, weapons, landing gear, rotors, and many other helicopter parts. The Army MOS for this job is 15Y. It is an entry-level job open to enlisted, active-duty personnel. The AH-64 Apache helicopter is a four-bladed aircraft with a two-person cockpit. As the job title suggests, MOS 15Y is responsible for diagnosing, repairing, and troubleshooting any issues with the AH-64....

November 4, 2022 · 11 min · 2160 words · Robert Hoffmann

Advanced Couponing Strategies

How advanced are your couponing skills? Creativity pays big dividends when it comes to couponing. Learn how to increase your coupon savings with these ten slick strategies. Stack Coupons Sharon Dominick / Getty Images You can stack plates, you can stack laundry, but did you know that you can stack coupons too? Stacking means using more than one coupon for the same item. Increase your savings by combining a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon for the same item, or take it to the savings extreme by combining a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon, a sale and a rebate or coupon app....

November 4, 2022 · 18 min · 3746 words · Aubrey Rosenberger

Cognitive Theory In Market Research What Is It

Cognitive theory in market research reveals what consumers think during the process as they research a product through many channels and prepare to buy it. What Is Cognitive Theory in Market Research? Applying cognitive theory to qualitative research can make it easier for research participants to provide deeper and more relevant answers than simple survey questions. Where direct questioning often results in superficial yes or no answers, the application of cognitive theory to qualitative research can generate a more natural conversation with consumers....

November 4, 2022 · 16 min · 3338 words · Tony Ottis

Emerging Business Trends That Affect Your Profitability

The Great Recession has altered the very foundations of life and business and set off changes that are transforming industries and companies. Climate changes are inspiring new corporate commitments to sustainability. New generations are bringing new values to the forefront. The emergence of these tide-shifting business trends redefines the way business is conducted and profits are realized. Four trends, in particular, are reshaping the world of business. Understanding them will help you to respond and redefine your go-to-market process to capitalize on the new reality....

November 4, 2022 · 13 min · 2573 words · Madie Joseph