Sample Job Description For A Manager

Are you interested in what a manager does at work? This is a sample job description for a manager. It describes the basic job duties and responsibilities of an employee who is functioning in a management role. The core responsibilities and duties of a manager are similar from organization to organization but differences exist as well. While all manager job descriptions need to be customized to meet the needs of the department or function they lead, this sample manager job description will give you ideas, job content options, and sample phrasing....

October 25, 2022 · 31 min · 6397 words · Ruby Scates

Signs You Re Underemployed And How To Handle It

The definitions for unemployed and employed are fairly straightforward. If you’re unemployed, you don’t have a job (and want one), while being employed means you do. Underemployment, however, is a bit more complex and different from being unemployed. Key Takeaways When you’re underemployed, you’re working below your capacity, which could mean working fewer hours or in a role that doesn’t take full advantage of your skills and experience. There are several signs that you’re underemployed, including making much less money than expected, being bored, or working fewer hours....

October 25, 2022 · 26 min · 5522 words · Donna Otto

Small Business Success Stories

Running a small business can be both a lonely and fraternal experience. It’s lonely in the sense that no two small businesses are the same. Every entrepreneur has to deal with a unique set of circumstances and factors that are specific to their business. On the other hand, it’s fraternal in the sense that small business owners stick together. The communal nature of small business ownership is what keeps many entrepreneurs going when times get tough and the forecast begins to darken; it’s also what inspires entrepreneurs to share information with their peers willingly, as opposed to selfishly safeguarding their principles of success....

October 25, 2022 · 20 min · 4072 words · Caroline Willoughby

Teamdigital Promotions Nascar Summer Camping Sweepstakes

Description: If you’ve been dreaming of pulling up roots and living a luxurious lifestyle on the road, enter TeamDigital Promotions’ NASCAR Summer Camping Sweepstakes. The winner will receive a free Coleman RV worth about $15,000! Sweepstakes Links: Click Here to Enter this SweepstakesClick Here for the Official Sweepstakes RulesClick Here for the Sweepstakes’ Home Page Note: If the sweepstakes entry link doesn’t work for you, try entering through the home page and looking for a link to the sweepstakes....

October 25, 2022 · 3 min · 512 words · Bryan Newsome

The Basic Costs Of A Food Truck Operation

Food truck popularity has skyrocketed in some cities over the past decade, in large part due to the relatively low operating costs involved in the business. But, while far cheaper than opening a traditional brick-and-mortar restaurant, starting a food truck business typically still requires a significant investment. Purchasing and outfitting a new truck can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $175,000. As with any restaurant launch, you need to start with a good food truck business plan and a realistic budget....

October 25, 2022 · 17 min · 3452 words · Leon Duggan

The Best Spongebob Memes

He lives in a pineapple under the sea. So you just know stuff gets weird. SpongeBob SquarePants — note the capitals — is one of the most popular children’s cartoons of all time, but here’s a secret: Adults love it, too. What Are SpongeBob Memes? SpongeBob SquarePants is the happy-go-lucky, man-child, er, sponge, who experiences moments of immense joy and utter dread every episode. He wears his emotions on his too-short sleeves....

October 25, 2022 · 14 min · 2871 words · Steven Cosby

What To Wear To A Job Interview For College Men

Make sure you set that alarm clock early on the day of a job or internship interview. Although most college job interviews don’t require full-on, business formal dress—meaning you don’t need to wear a suit, tie, and fancy dress shoes—you do need to look like you put some effort into your appearance. Everyone knows first impressions are key, and when it comes to a college job interview, this is even more so the case....

October 25, 2022 · 25 min · 5150 words · Jennifer Rossi

10 Tips For Workplace Party Etiquette

Attending an office party or another work-related social event can be tricky. You want to have fun with your coworkers, but you should never forget that it’s a workplace event. These tips will help you have a good time without checking your professional reputation at the door. Don’t Drink Too Much skynesher / Getty Images If your employer is serving alcohol at an event, should you partake? You can, but limit your intake....

October 24, 2022 · 21 min · 4350 words · Roger Findley

Annoying Coworker Office Humor Annoying Coworker Testimonials

Fortunately, I work alone. I only get myself chewed out by myself twice a day or so. I haven’t made me cry since Monday. The meds help. And I’m bathing more. Here’s a selection of irritating sh*t said by the coworkers of the world! These tidbits were taken from various sites around the web, and anyone who has ever had the misfortune of working in an office environment can attest that they are 100% accurate....

October 24, 2022 · 11 min · 2172 words · William Rae

Civil Affairs Army Commissioned Officer Jobs

A Civil Affairs Officer was at one time a job available only in the Army Reserves and Army National Guard. However, that position has been migrating to the active-duty sphere. If considering this career field, the applicant should understand that the majority of job slots are still in the National Guard and Reserves. Civil Affairs Officer Branch Description Encompasses positions that require offi­cers possessing specialized skills relating to the conduct and analysis of civil affairs operations and critical skills associated with politico-military awareness, and foreign language and cultural ex­pertise that supports national policies or that can implement national objectives across the conflict spectrum....

October 24, 2022 · 7 min · 1448 words · April Negron

Golfer Jose Maria Olazabal Biography And Career Details

Jose Maria Olazabal is a two-time major championship winner whose career was punctuated both by Ryder Cup success and a string of injuries. When he was healthy, Olazabal was considered one of the best in the game in the 1990s. His career on the PGA Tour and European Tour stretched from the 1980s until he reached his 50s in the 2010s. Fast Facts: Jose Maria Olazabal Occupation: Professional golferNickname: Ollie or ChemmaBorn: February 5, 1966 in Fuenterrabia, SpainKey Accomplishments: Winner of nearly 30 pro tour events, including The Masters twice; key player for Team Europe in the Ryder Cup....

October 24, 2022 · 19 min · 4009 words · Emily Pitcock

How And Why To Foster Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is the term used to describe whether employees are happy and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures purport that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, cost savings, customer satisfaction, employee productivity, positive employee morale, and more in the workplace. Employee satisfaction, while generally a positive in your organization, can also become a problem if mediocre employees stay because they are satisfied and happy with your work environment....

October 24, 2022 · 18 min · 3731 words · David Lopez

How Employers Use Nondisclosure Agreements

A nondisclosure agreement is a written legal contract and is usually between an employer and an employee. The contract lays out binding terms and conditions that prohibit the employee from disclosing confidential and proprietary company information. For the agreement to be legally binding, the employee must receive something in return for signing it–employment in this case. Nondisclosure agreements are also known as nondisclosure, (NDA), confidential disclosure agreements, secrecy agreements, proprietary information agreements, and confidentiality agreements....

October 24, 2022 · 10 min · 1964 words · Ryan Sweney

How To Start An Event Planning Business

Are you daydreaming right now from your cube or home office about the notion of starting an event planning business? Perhaps you’ve been working in the events and meetings industry for several years and think that now is a good time to figure out how to work for yourself. Or maybe you’ve helped organize a few events in the past and feel that this could be your life’s passion. These are all good reasons to pursue this profession....

October 24, 2022 · 27 min · 5639 words · Brittany Roemmich

Hr Terms And Jargon You Need To Know

Every profession has its own language or jargon, and Human Resources is no exception. Here are some of the HR terms you might hear coming out of an HR manager’s mouth and what it all really means. To communicate effectively with HR, whether or not you’re in the department, it’s important to understand and speak the lingo. A Seat at the HR Table Imagine a group of decision-makers sitting around a conference table making a decision....

October 24, 2022 · 21 min · 4288 words · Jose Cardozo

Learn To Enter Magazine Sweepstakes Quickly And Easily

Every month, new magazine sweepstakes offer prizes like jewelry and cosmetics, housewares, or vacations. While many magazine sweepstakes can be found on my regular sweepstakes lists, there are far too many to list every month. To check for more sweepstakes you can enter, visit the websites of these popular magazines, which run new giveaways regularly. Does Anyone Win Magazine Sweepstakes? People do win magazine sweepstakes. The prizes offered by magazines like Elle, Redbook and more really are awarded....

October 24, 2022 · 33 min · 6854 words · Jimmy Horton

Sample Customer Testimonial Request Letter

Testimonials can be a powerful tool for convincing prospects that you can provide what you promise. It’s best to have several testimonials on hand, which can be more persuasive and increase the chances of relating to prospects with similar needs. You can collect testimonials from customers with the assistance of the following sample letters. In your letter, request that customers provide a written or recorded testimonial of your product or service and how it’s helped them....

October 24, 2022 · 11 min · 2309 words · Brenda Cessna

Second Interview Invitation And What To Expect

Job searching can be a harrowing process. After applying, waiting for potentially months and hoping for a response, you finally get invited to a first interview. If you did well, you likely will get invited back for a second interview. This can be incredibly exciting, but also nerve-wracking. Typically, because hiring managers have already drastically narrowed the field of potential hires, your wait time for the call back will be much shorter....

October 24, 2022 · 14 min · 2896 words · Ashley Cortez

Should You Quit Your Job To Travel

Many of us have dreamed about taking time off work or even quitting work entirely to travel the world. For most of us, this is merely a fantasy. But it is possible to follow through and make it a reality. Quitting a job—especially one that makes you unhappy—can provide you with an adventure, a chance to see the world, and an opportunity to consider what kind of career you truly want....

October 24, 2022 · 19 min · 4016 words · Tiffany Relf

The 9 Best Ps4 Co Op Games

Best Co-Op Classic: Minecraft — PlayStation 4 Edition It’s easy to fall in love with Minecraft (the second best-selling game of all time) because it’s gentle and offers one of the most liberating creative experiences in gaming that you and your friends can enjoy together. The co-op game can be played through an offline, split-screen mode and through a LAN connection with up to three other players. Minecraft allows players to play at their own pace in a random generation block world where they’re encouraged to explore, craft materials and tools such as pickaxes, bows, shovels and swords, and, ultimately create anything they want to....

October 24, 2022 · 13 min · 2725 words · Zoila Bonilla