One of the essential ingredients to a good improv scene is a setting. But sometimes, the ideas just don’t flow. This list of settings for improv acting and comedy sketches may help grease the wheels.

Keys to Success

If you’re not relying on your audience to suggest a setting, you’ll need to think quickly and choose one yourself. One of the goals of improv is to learn how to think quickly and creatively when confronted by the unexpected. To do that, you’ll need to bear a few things in mind:

  • Go with it. If you’re told to wear a trench coat, then do it. Now you’ve got one detail to add to the sketch of the character you’re building: one who’s a private eye in an old detective movie. Accept everything that people do or say as literal truth and don’t try to deceive or outwit your fellow actors.
  • Create a backstory. You can add realism to your character by asking questions or making statements that reference a past event. Maybe your detective character just had a run-in with a police officer who doesn’t like him. As the two glare at each other, your character asks, “You going to arrest me just like last time?” And just like that, you’ve established a backstory for your audience that gives them more information about the scene you’re creating.
  • Be specific. Improv actors rarely work with elaborate sets or with many props. Instead, the challenge is to create a sense of place and character with your words and actions. Don’t speak in monosyllables. Be descriptive.
  • Begin mid-action. Unlike scripted acting, improv doesn’t have the luxury of building up to a dramatic climax through a prologue. You want to keep the activity (and inspiration) moving. Each sketch should start with your characters already engaged in a scenario, like being up to their elbows in a sink full of dirty dishes.
  • Act without words. Speaking is just one way that an actor can convey information. Try choosing an improv setting and then using pantomime or another means of non-verbal communication.
  • Don’t be yourself. You’re not playing yourself in improv; you’re someone else. As you perform, push yourself to act and react in ways the real you may never do.

Suggested Improv Settings

Once the actors are ready, it’s time to choose a setting. Some performers let the audience make suggestions, with the troupe picking their favorite. Others leave it to the director or host to pick a scenario. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. That’s the beauty of improv.

B:BarbershopBalconyBoatBird’s NestBlacksmithBakeryButterfly HabitatBeaver DamBootcamp

C:CastleCat Lady’s HouseChessboardCheese FactoryClassroom Cemetery(Inside a) Comic BookChiropractor’s OfficeCircus

D:Dance StudioDragon’s LairDesertDeep Sea DivingDepartment of Motor VehiclesDetentionDrunk Tank

E:EgyptElephant SanctuaryElf’s ForestExecution ChamberEarthquake Preparedness Class

F:Ferris WheelFire StationFishing PondFootball StadiumFutureFortune Teller’s Shop

G:Grocery StoreGolf CourseGhost TownGondolaGarbage DumpGarageGoldmineGypsy CampGrand Canyon

H:Hardware StoreHelicopterHenhouseHogwartsHospitalHawaii

I:IglooIsland (Tropical)IcebergIce Cream ShopIce Age

J:JungleJet Pilot’s CockpitJudge’s ChambersJury BoxJewelry StoreJurassic Age

K:Karate ClassKaraoke BarKnight’s Training GroundsKing Kong’s CageKnitting CircleKangaroo Farm

L:LagoonLighthouseLibraryLOST (The TV Show)LifeboatLumberjack CampLondonLaundromat

M:Make-Up CounterMarathon Finish LineMechanic’s ShopMoonMousetrapMummy’s Tomb(Inside a) MicrowaveMountain Top

N:Nursing HomeNews StationNeverlandNature TrailNightclubNewspaper Office

O:Orchestra PitOffice CubicleOrchardOutback (Australia)Open House (Real Estate)Optometrist

P:Picnic SpotPanda ExhibitPromPirate ShipPet StorePost OfficePhotography ClassPolice Station

Q:Queen Elizabeth’s CourtQuiz ShowQuicksand

R:Radio ProgramRestaurant Grand OpeningRed Carpet (Movie Premiere)Riverboat(Inside a) Romance NovelRobber’s Hideout

S:SafariSchool LunchroomSchool Nurse’s OfficeSanta’s WorkshopSki SlopeSpider WebSummer CampSmurf VillageSoftball GameSpaceshipSecond-Hand StoreSubmarineStable

T:TreehouseTravel AgencyTruckstopTheater AuditionTidepoolTribal CeremonyTourist Trap

U:Ugly Princess’ Birthday PartyUndergroundUnderwaterUnemployment OfficeUtopian Society

V:Vampire’s HomeVolleyball CourtVolcanoVoting Booth

W:Witch’s CavernWarehouseWhite HouseWaterslide ParkWrestling RingWild WestWoodshop ClassWedding Ceremony

X:X-Ray LabXylophone Store

Y:Yard SaleYoga ClassYearbook Club

Z:Zeppelin (Blimp)Zombie Vacation SpotZoo