The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion first released on Windows PC and Xbox 360 in 2006. A PlayStation 3 port followed in 2007. Set in a fictional land called Cyrodiil, its main story pits the player against a cult that wants to open portals to a hellish dimension called Oblivion. There are a large amount of PC cheat codes for the game. Here’s a list of every Alchemy item code you can use with the player.additem command.

This guide is for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Alchemy Item Codes

Use the below codes to spawn any Alchemy item in the game.

Item Item Code

Ale 000B1200

Beer 000B1202

Cheap Wine 00037F7F

Cure for Vampirism 000977E4

Cyrodilic Brandy 00033569

Grand Elixir of Exploration 0004E93A

Hist Sap 0003356A

Human Blood 00098309

Mead 000B1201

Moderate Elixir of Exploration 0004E938

Newheim’s Special Brew 000B1241

Philter of Frostward 0007BCC9

Poison of Affliction 0008DC5C

Poison of Apathy 00009283

Poison of Burden 000984A5

Poison of Catastrophe 00009281

Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC58

Poison of Confusion 0008DC5E

Poison of Cowardice 00056E54

Poison of Debilitation 0000927D

Poison of Fatigue 0008DC70

Poison of Feeblemind 00009280

Poison of Frailty 00009285

Poison of Fright 0008DC6D

Poison of Fumbling 0000927C

Poison of Illness 0008DC73

Poison of Misfortune 0008DC61

Poison of Paralysis 00009302

Poison of Repulsion 00009282

Poison of Separation 00009284

Poison of Severing 0008DC76

Poison of Sickness 0000927F

Poison of Silence 00009320

Poison of Slowing 0008DC67

Poison of the Fool 0008DC64

Poison of Weakness 0008DC6A

Poison of Weariness 0000927E

Potion of Absorption 00009321

Potion of Agility 00098471

Potion of Alacrity 0009849B

Potion of Antivenom 00009308

Potion of Chameleon 00088B1C

Potion of Charisma 0009849A

Potion of Cure Disease 0000920E

Potion of Cure Paralysis 0000922E

Potion of Cure Poison 0000920F

Potion of Dedication 00056E55

Potion of Detect Life 000984A6

Potion of Disbelief 00009307

Potion of Dispel 0000927B

Potion of Endurance 00098472

Potion of Fatigue 00098473

Potion of Feather 000092E6

Potion of Fire Shield 000092E7

Potion of Fortitude 00098494

Potion of Fortune 00098498

Potion of Frost Shield 000092FE

Potion of Grace 00098493

Potion of Grounding 00009309

Potion of Healing 00098496

Potion of Health 00098474

Potion of Insight 00098497

Potion of Insulation 00009305

Potion of Intelligence 00098475

Potion of Invisibility 000092FF

Potion of Light 00009300

Potion of Luck 00098476

Potion of Magicka 00098477

Potion of Might 0009849C

Potion of Nighteye 00009301

Potion of Personality 00098478

Potion of Reflection 00009303

Potion of Resistance 00009304

Potion of Respite 00098495

Potion of Seastride 000984A4

Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE3

Potion of Sorcery 00098499

Potion of Speed 00098479

Potion of Strength 0009847A

Potion of the Sea 000984A3

Potion of Warmth 00009306

Potion of Willpower 00056E53

Rosethorn Mead 000B97EA

Shadowbanish Wine 00185DCD

Skooma 0004E0A9

Strong Elixir of Exploration 0004E939

Strong Poison of Affliction 0008DC5D

Strong Poison of Apathy 0009846A

Strong Poison of Burden 0000920D

Strong Poison of Catastrophe 00098464

Strong Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC5A

Strong Poison of Confusion 0008DC60

Strong Poison of Cowardice 00056E56

Strong Poison of Debilitation 000984AC

Strong Poison of Fatigue 0008DC72

Strong Poison of Feeblemind 00098462

Strong Poison of Frailty 0009846C

Strong Poison of Fright 0008DC6F

Strong Poison of Fumbling 000984AA

Strong Poison of Illness 0008DC75

Strong Poison of Misfortune 0008DC63

Strong Potion of Paralysis 00098484

Strong Poison of Repulsion 00098468

Strong Poison of Separation 00098466

Strong Poison of Severing 0008DC78

Strong Poison of Sickness 00098460

Strong Poison of Silence 0009849E

Strong Poison of Slowing 0008DC69

Strong Poison of the Fool 0008DC66

Strong Poison of Weakness 0008DC6C

Strong Poison of Weariness 000984AE

Strong Potion of Absorption 000984A0

Strong Potion of Agility 000092E9

Strong Potion of Alacrity 00009319

Strong Potion of Antivenom 00098490

Strong Potion of Chameleon 00088B1E

Strong Potion of Charisma 00009317

Strong Potion of Dedication 00056E58

Strong Potion of Detect Life 00009230

Strong Potion of Disbelief 0009848E

Strong Potion of Dispel 000984A8

Strong Potion of Endurance 000092EB

Strong Potion of Fatigue 000092ED

Strong Potion of Feather 0009846E

Strong Potion of Fire Shield 00098470

Strong Potion of Fortitude 0000930D

Strong Potion of Fortune 00009315

Strong Potion of Frost Shield 0009847C

Strong Potion of Grace 0000930B

Strong Potion of Grounding 00098492

Strong Potion of Healing 00009311

Strong Potion of Health 000092EF

Strong Potion of Insight 00009313

Strong Potion of Insulation 00098489

Strong Potion of Intelligence 000092F1

Strong Potion of Invisibility 0009847E

Strong Potion of Light 00098480

Strong Potion of Luck 000092F3

Strong Potion of Magicka 000092F9

Strong Potion of Might 0000931D

Strong Potion of Nighteye 00098482

Strong Potion of Personality 000092F5

Strong Potion of Reflection 00098486

Strong Potion of Resistance 00098488

Strong Potion of Respite 0000930F

Strong Potion of Seastride 00009327

Strong Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE4

Strong Potion of Sorcery 0000931B

Strong Potion of Speed 000092F7

Strong Potion of Strength 000092FB

Strong Potion of the Sea 00009325

Strong Potion of Warmth 0009848C

Strong Potion of Willpower 00056E57

Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 00037F84

Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 00037F82

Surilie Brothers Wine 00037F80

Tamika Vintage 399 00037F7E

Tamika Vintage 415 00037F83

Tamika’s West Weald Wine 00037F81

Turpentine 0018BD5A

Weak Elixir of Exploration 0004E937

Weak Poison of Affliction 0008DC5B

Weak Poison of Apathy 00098469

Weak Poison of Burden 0000920C

Weak Poison of Catastrophe 00098463

Weak Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC59

Weak Poison of Confusion 0008DC5F

Weak Poison of Cowardice 00056E59

Weak Poison of Debilitation  000984AB

Weak Poison of Fatigue 0008DC71

Weak Poison of Feeblemind 00098461

Weak Poison of Frailty 0009846B

Weak Poison of Fright 0008DC6E

Weak Poison of Fumbling 000984A9

Weak Poison of Illness 0008DC74

Weak Poison of Misfortune 0008DC62

Weak Poison of Paralysis 00098483

Weak Poison of Repulsion 00098467

Weak Poison of Separation 00098465

Weak Poison of Severing 0008DC77

Weak Poison of Sickness  000984AF

Weak Poison of Silence   0009849D

Weak Poison of Slowing 0008DC68

Weak Poison of the Fool 0008DC65

Weak Poison of Weakness 0008DC6B

Weak Poison of Weariness 000984AD

Weak Potion of Absorption 0009849F

Weak Potion of Agility 000092E8

Weak Potion of Alacrity 00009318

Weak Potion of Antivenom 0009848F

Weak Potion of Chameleon 00088B1D

Weak Potion of Charisma 00009316

Weak Potion of Dedication 00056E52

Weak Potion of Detect Life 0000922F

Weak Potion of Disbelief 0009848D

Weak Potion of Dispel 000984A7

Weak Potion of Endurance 000092EA

Weak Potion of Fatigue 000092EC

Weak Potion of Feather 0009846D

Weak Potion of Fire Shield 0009846F

Weak Potion of Fortitude 0000930C

Weak Potion of Fortune 00009314

Weak Potion of Frost Shield 0009847B

Weak Potion of Grace 0000930A

Weak Potion of Grounding 00098491

Weak Potion of Healing 00009310

Weak Potion of Health 000092EE

Weak Potion of Insight 00009312

Weak Potion of Insulation 0009848A

Weak Potion of Intelligence 000092F0

Weak Potion of Invisibility 0009847D

Weak Potion of Light 0009847F

Weak Potion of Luck 000092F2

Weak Potion of Magicka 000092F8

Weak Potion of Might 0000931C

Weak Potion of Nighteye 00098481

Weak Potion of Personality 000092F4

Weak Potion of Reflection 00098485

Weak Potion of Resistance 00098487

Weak Potion of Respite 0000930E

Weak Potion of Seastride 00009326

Weak Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE0

Weak Potion of Sorcery 0000931A

Weak Potion of Speed 000092F6

Weak Potion of Strength 000092FA

Weak Potion of the Sea 00009324

Weak Potion of Warmth 0009848B

Weak Potion of Willpower 00056E51

Featured Video

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Give Item Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Soul Gem Codes

The Lockpick Item Code Cheat for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Cheats — Rings, Amulets, and Clothing

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion NPC Cheat Codes

Item Cheat Codes for The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles on PC and Mac

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Item Code Cheats for PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Arrow Cheat Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weapon Cheat Codes on PC

All Key Code Cheats for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Armor Code Cheats for PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Cheat Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheat Codes for Completing Quests on PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats for PS3

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weather Cheat Codes (PC)

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats and Ingredient Codes for PC






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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion first released on Windows PC and Xbox 360 in 2006. A PlayStation 3 port followed in 2007. Set in a fictional land called Cyrodiil, its main story pits the player against a cult that wants to open portals to a hellish dimension called Oblivion. There are a large amount of PC cheat codes for the game. Here’s a list of every Alchemy item code you can use with the player.additem command.

This guide is for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Alchemy Item Codes

Use the below codes to spawn any Alchemy item in the game.

Item Item Code

Ale 000B1200

Beer 000B1202

Cheap Wine 00037F7F

Cure for Vampirism 000977E4

Cyrodilic Brandy 00033569

Grand Elixir of Exploration 0004E93A

Hist Sap 0003356A

Human Blood 00098309

Mead 000B1201

Moderate Elixir of Exploration 0004E938

Newheim’s Special Brew 000B1241

Philter of Frostward 0007BCC9

Poison of Affliction 0008DC5C

Poison of Apathy 00009283

Poison of Burden 000984A5

Poison of Catastrophe 00009281

Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC58

Poison of Confusion 0008DC5E

Poison of Cowardice 00056E54

Poison of Debilitation 0000927D

Poison of Fatigue 0008DC70

Poison of Feeblemind 00009280

Poison of Frailty 00009285

Poison of Fright 0008DC6D

Poison of Fumbling 0000927C

Poison of Illness 0008DC73

Poison of Misfortune 0008DC61

Poison of Paralysis 00009302

Poison of Repulsion 00009282

Poison of Separation 00009284

Poison of Severing 0008DC76

Poison of Sickness 0000927F

Poison of Silence 00009320

Poison of Slowing 0008DC67

Poison of the Fool 0008DC64

Poison of Weakness 0008DC6A

Poison of Weariness 0000927E

Potion of Absorption 00009321

Potion of Agility 00098471

Potion of Alacrity 0009849B

Potion of Antivenom 00009308

Potion of Chameleon 00088B1C

Potion of Charisma 0009849A

Potion of Cure Disease 0000920E

Potion of Cure Paralysis 0000922E

Potion of Cure Poison 0000920F

Potion of Dedication 00056E55

Potion of Detect Life 000984A6

Potion of Disbelief 00009307

Potion of Dispel 0000927B

Potion of Endurance 00098472

Potion of Fatigue 00098473

Potion of Feather 000092E6

Potion of Fire Shield 000092E7

Potion of Fortitude 00098494

Potion of Fortune 00098498

Potion of Frost Shield 000092FE

Potion of Grace 00098493

Potion of Grounding 00009309

Potion of Healing 00098496

Potion of Health 00098474

Potion of Insight 00098497

Potion of Insulation 00009305

Potion of Intelligence 00098475

Potion of Invisibility 000092FF

Potion of Light 00009300

Potion of Luck 00098476

Potion of Magicka 00098477

Potion of Might 0009849C

Potion of Nighteye 00009301

Potion of Personality 00098478

Potion of Reflection 00009303

Potion of Resistance 00009304

Potion of Respite 00098495

Potion of Seastride 000984A4

Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE3

Potion of Sorcery 00098499

Potion of Speed 00098479

Potion of Strength 0009847A

Potion of the Sea 000984A3

Potion of Warmth 00009306

Potion of Willpower 00056E53

Rosethorn Mead 000B97EA

Shadowbanish Wine 00185DCD

Skooma 0004E0A9

Strong Elixir of Exploration 0004E939

Strong Poison of Affliction 0008DC5D

Strong Poison of Apathy 0009846A

Strong Poison of Burden 0000920D

Strong Poison of Catastrophe 00098464

Strong Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC5A

Strong Poison of Confusion 0008DC60

Strong Poison of Cowardice 00056E56

Strong Poison of Debilitation 000984AC

Strong Poison of Fatigue 0008DC72

Strong Poison of Feeblemind 00098462

Strong Poison of Frailty 0009846C

Strong Poison of Fright 0008DC6F

Strong Poison of Fumbling 000984AA

Strong Poison of Illness 0008DC75

Strong Poison of Misfortune 0008DC63

Strong Potion of Paralysis 00098484

Strong Poison of Repulsion 00098468

Strong Poison of Separation 00098466

Strong Poison of Severing 0008DC78

Strong Poison of Sickness 00098460

Strong Poison of Silence 0009849E

Strong Poison of Slowing 0008DC69

Strong Poison of the Fool 0008DC66

Strong Poison of Weakness 0008DC6C

Strong Poison of Weariness 000984AE

Strong Potion of Absorption 000984A0

Strong Potion of Agility 000092E9

Strong Potion of Alacrity 00009319

Strong Potion of Antivenom 00098490

Strong Potion of Chameleon 00088B1E

Strong Potion of Charisma 00009317

Strong Potion of Dedication 00056E58

Strong Potion of Detect Life 00009230

Strong Potion of Disbelief 0009848E

Strong Potion of Dispel 000984A8

Strong Potion of Endurance 000092EB

Strong Potion of Fatigue 000092ED

Strong Potion of Feather 0009846E

Strong Potion of Fire Shield 00098470

Strong Potion of Fortitude 0000930D

Strong Potion of Fortune 00009315

Strong Potion of Frost Shield 0009847C

Strong Potion of Grace 0000930B

Strong Potion of Grounding 00098492

Strong Potion of Healing 00009311

Strong Potion of Health 000092EF

Strong Potion of Insight 00009313

Strong Potion of Insulation 00098489

Strong Potion of Intelligence 000092F1

Strong Potion of Invisibility 0009847E

Strong Potion of Light 00098480

Strong Potion of Luck 000092F3

Strong Potion of Magicka 000092F9

Strong Potion of Might 0000931D

Strong Potion of Nighteye 00098482

Strong Potion of Personality 000092F5

Strong Potion of Reflection 00098486

Strong Potion of Resistance 00098488

Strong Potion of Respite 0000930F

Strong Potion of Seastride 00009327

Strong Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE4

Strong Potion of Sorcery 0000931B

Strong Potion of Speed 000092F7

Strong Potion of Strength 000092FB

Strong Potion of the Sea 00009325

Strong Potion of Warmth 0009848C

Strong Potion of Willpower 00056E57

Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 00037F84

Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 00037F82

Surilie Brothers Wine 00037F80

Tamika Vintage 399 00037F7E

Tamika Vintage 415 00037F83

Tamika’s West Weald Wine 00037F81

Turpentine 0018BD5A

Weak Elixir of Exploration 0004E937

Weak Poison of Affliction 0008DC5B

Weak Poison of Apathy 00098469

Weak Poison of Burden 0000920C

Weak Poison of Catastrophe 00098463

Weak Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC59

Weak Poison of Confusion 0008DC5F

Weak Poison of Cowardice 00056E59

Weak Poison of Debilitation  000984AB

Weak Poison of Fatigue 0008DC71

Weak Poison of Feeblemind 00098461

Weak Poison of Frailty 0009846B

Weak Poison of Fright 0008DC6E

Weak Poison of Fumbling 000984A9

Weak Poison of Illness 0008DC74

Weak Poison of Misfortune 0008DC62

Weak Poison of Paralysis 00098483

Weak Poison of Repulsion 00098467

Weak Poison of Separation 00098465

Weak Poison of Severing 0008DC77

Weak Poison of Sickness  000984AF

Weak Poison of Silence   0009849D

Weak Poison of Slowing 0008DC68

Weak Poison of the Fool 0008DC65

Weak Poison of Weakness 0008DC6B

Weak Poison of Weariness 000984AD

Weak Potion of Absorption 0009849F

Weak Potion of Agility 000092E8

Weak Potion of Alacrity 00009318

Weak Potion of Antivenom 0009848F

Weak Potion of Chameleon 00088B1D

Weak Potion of Charisma 00009316

Weak Potion of Dedication 00056E52

Weak Potion of Detect Life 0000922F

Weak Potion of Disbelief 0009848D

Weak Potion of Dispel 000984A7

Weak Potion of Endurance 000092EA

Weak Potion of Fatigue 000092EC

Weak Potion of Feather 0009846D

Weak Potion of Fire Shield 0009846F

Weak Potion of Fortitude 0000930C

Weak Potion of Fortune 00009314

Weak Potion of Frost Shield 0009847B

Weak Potion of Grace 0000930A

Weak Potion of Grounding 00098491

Weak Potion of Healing 00009310

Weak Potion of Health 000092EE

Weak Potion of Insight 00009312

Weak Potion of Insulation 0009848A

Weak Potion of Intelligence 000092F0

Weak Potion of Invisibility 0009847D

Weak Potion of Light 0009847F

Weak Potion of Luck 000092F2

Weak Potion of Magicka 000092F8

Weak Potion of Might 0000931C

Weak Potion of Nighteye 00098481

Weak Potion of Personality 000092F4

Weak Potion of Reflection 00098485

Weak Potion of Resistance 00098487

Weak Potion of Respite 0000930E

Weak Potion of Seastride 00009326

Weak Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE0

Weak Potion of Sorcery 0000931A

Weak Potion of Speed 000092F6

Weak Potion of Strength 000092FA

Weak Potion of the Sea 00009324

Weak Potion of Warmth 0009848B

Weak Potion of Willpower 00056E51

Featured Video

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Give Item Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Soul Gem Codes

The Lockpick Item Code Cheat for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Cheats — Rings, Amulets, and Clothing

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion NPC Cheat Codes

Item Cheat Codes for The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles on PC and Mac

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Item Code Cheats for PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Arrow Cheat Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weapon Cheat Codes on PC

All Key Code Cheats for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Armor Code Cheats for PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Cheat Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheat Codes for Completing Quests on PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats for PS3

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weather Cheat Codes (PC)

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats and Ingredient Codes for PC

When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Cookies Settings Reject All Accept Cookies

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion first released on Windows PC and Xbox 360 in 2006. A PlayStation 3 port followed in 2007. Set in a fictional land called Cyrodiil, its main story pits the player against a cult that wants to open portals to a hellish dimension called Oblivion. There are a large amount of PC cheat codes for the game. Here’s a list of every Alchemy item code you can use with the player.additem command.

This guide is for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Alchemy Item Codes

Use the below codes to spawn any Alchemy item in the game.

Item Item Code

Ale 000B1200

Beer 000B1202

Cheap Wine 00037F7F

Cure for Vampirism 000977E4

Cyrodilic Brandy 00033569

Grand Elixir of Exploration 0004E93A

Hist Sap 0003356A

Human Blood 00098309

Mead 000B1201

Moderate Elixir of Exploration 0004E938

Newheim’s Special Brew 000B1241

Philter of Frostward 0007BCC9

Poison of Affliction 0008DC5C

Poison of Apathy 00009283

Poison of Burden 000984A5

Poison of Catastrophe 00009281

Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC58

Poison of Confusion 0008DC5E

Poison of Cowardice 00056E54

Poison of Debilitation 0000927D

Poison of Fatigue 0008DC70

Poison of Feeblemind 00009280

Poison of Frailty 00009285

Poison of Fright 0008DC6D

Poison of Fumbling 0000927C

Poison of Illness 0008DC73

Poison of Misfortune 0008DC61

Poison of Paralysis 00009302

Poison of Repulsion 00009282

Poison of Separation 00009284

Poison of Severing 0008DC76

Poison of Sickness 0000927F

Poison of Silence 00009320

Poison of Slowing 0008DC67

Poison of the Fool 0008DC64

Poison of Weakness 0008DC6A

Poison of Weariness 0000927E

Potion of Absorption 00009321

Potion of Agility 00098471

Potion of Alacrity 0009849B

Potion of Antivenom 00009308

Potion of Chameleon 00088B1C

Potion of Charisma 0009849A

Potion of Cure Disease 0000920E

Potion of Cure Paralysis 0000922E

Potion of Cure Poison 0000920F

Potion of Dedication 00056E55

Potion of Detect Life 000984A6

Potion of Disbelief 00009307

Potion of Dispel 0000927B

Potion of Endurance 00098472

Potion of Fatigue 00098473

Potion of Feather 000092E6

Potion of Fire Shield 000092E7

Potion of Fortitude 00098494

Potion of Fortune 00098498

Potion of Frost Shield 000092FE

Potion of Grace 00098493

Potion of Grounding 00009309

Potion of Healing 00098496

Potion of Health 00098474

Potion of Insight 00098497

Potion of Insulation 00009305

Potion of Intelligence 00098475

Potion of Invisibility 000092FF

Potion of Light 00009300

Potion of Luck 00098476

Potion of Magicka 00098477

Potion of Might 0009849C

Potion of Nighteye 00009301

Potion of Personality 00098478

Potion of Reflection 00009303

Potion of Resistance 00009304

Potion of Respite 00098495

Potion of Seastride 000984A4

Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE3

Potion of Sorcery 00098499

Potion of Speed 00098479

Potion of Strength 0009847A

Potion of the Sea 000984A3

Potion of Warmth 00009306

Potion of Willpower 00056E53

Rosethorn Mead 000B97EA

Shadowbanish Wine 00185DCD

Skooma 0004E0A9

Strong Elixir of Exploration 0004E939

Strong Poison of Affliction 0008DC5D

Strong Poison of Apathy 0009846A

Strong Poison of Burden 0000920D

Strong Poison of Catastrophe 00098464

Strong Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC5A

Strong Poison of Confusion 0008DC60

Strong Poison of Cowardice 00056E56

Strong Poison of Debilitation 000984AC

Strong Poison of Fatigue 0008DC72

Strong Poison of Feeblemind 00098462

Strong Poison of Frailty 0009846C

Strong Poison of Fright 0008DC6F

Strong Poison of Fumbling 000984AA

Strong Poison of Illness 0008DC75

Strong Poison of Misfortune 0008DC63

Strong Potion of Paralysis 00098484

Strong Poison of Repulsion 00098468

Strong Poison of Separation 00098466

Strong Poison of Severing 0008DC78

Strong Poison of Sickness 00098460

Strong Poison of Silence 0009849E

Strong Poison of Slowing 0008DC69

Strong Poison of the Fool 0008DC66

Strong Poison of Weakness 0008DC6C

Strong Poison of Weariness 000984AE

Strong Potion of Absorption 000984A0

Strong Potion of Agility 000092E9

Strong Potion of Alacrity 00009319

Strong Potion of Antivenom 00098490

Strong Potion of Chameleon 00088B1E

Strong Potion of Charisma 00009317

Strong Potion of Dedication 00056E58

Strong Potion of Detect Life 00009230

Strong Potion of Disbelief 0009848E

Strong Potion of Dispel 000984A8

Strong Potion of Endurance 000092EB

Strong Potion of Fatigue 000092ED

Strong Potion of Feather 0009846E

Strong Potion of Fire Shield 00098470

Strong Potion of Fortitude 0000930D

Strong Potion of Fortune 00009315

Strong Potion of Frost Shield 0009847C

Strong Potion of Grace 0000930B

Strong Potion of Grounding 00098492

Strong Potion of Healing 00009311

Strong Potion of Health 000092EF

Strong Potion of Insight 00009313

Strong Potion of Insulation 00098489

Strong Potion of Intelligence 000092F1

Strong Potion of Invisibility 0009847E

Strong Potion of Light 00098480

Strong Potion of Luck 000092F3

Strong Potion of Magicka 000092F9

Strong Potion of Might 0000931D

Strong Potion of Nighteye 00098482

Strong Potion of Personality 000092F5

Strong Potion of Reflection 00098486

Strong Potion of Resistance 00098488

Strong Potion of Respite 0000930F

Strong Potion of Seastride 00009327

Strong Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE4

Strong Potion of Sorcery 0000931B

Strong Potion of Speed 000092F7

Strong Potion of Strength 000092FB

Strong Potion of the Sea 00009325

Strong Potion of Warmth 0009848C

Strong Potion of Willpower 00056E57

Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 00037F84

Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 00037F82

Surilie Brothers Wine 00037F80

Tamika Vintage 399 00037F7E

Tamika Vintage 415 00037F83

Tamika’s West Weald Wine 00037F81

Turpentine 0018BD5A

Weak Elixir of Exploration 0004E937

Weak Poison of Affliction 0008DC5B

Weak Poison of Apathy 00098469

Weak Poison of Burden 0000920C

Weak Poison of Catastrophe 00098463

Weak Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC59

Weak Poison of Confusion 0008DC5F

Weak Poison of Cowardice 00056E59

Weak Poison of Debilitation  000984AB

Weak Poison of Fatigue 0008DC71

Weak Poison of Feeblemind 00098461

Weak Poison of Frailty 0009846B

Weak Poison of Fright 0008DC6E

Weak Poison of Fumbling 000984A9

Weak Poison of Illness 0008DC74

Weak Poison of Misfortune 0008DC62

Weak Poison of Paralysis 00098483

Weak Poison of Repulsion 00098467

Weak Poison of Separation 00098465

Weak Poison of Severing 0008DC77

Weak Poison of Sickness  000984AF

Weak Poison of Silence   0009849D

Weak Poison of Slowing 0008DC68

Weak Poison of the Fool 0008DC65

Weak Poison of Weakness 0008DC6B

Weak Poison of Weariness 000984AD

Weak Potion of Absorption 0009849F

Weak Potion of Agility 000092E8

Weak Potion of Alacrity 00009318

Weak Potion of Antivenom 0009848F

Weak Potion of Chameleon 00088B1D

Weak Potion of Charisma 00009316

Weak Potion of Dedication 00056E52

Weak Potion of Detect Life 0000922F

Weak Potion of Disbelief 0009848D

Weak Potion of Dispel 000984A7

Weak Potion of Endurance 000092EA

Weak Potion of Fatigue 000092EC

Weak Potion of Feather 0009846D

Weak Potion of Fire Shield 0009846F

Weak Potion of Fortitude 0000930C

Weak Potion of Fortune 00009314

Weak Potion of Frost Shield 0009847B

Weak Potion of Grace 0000930A

Weak Potion of Grounding 00098491

Weak Potion of Healing 00009310

Weak Potion of Health 000092EE

Weak Potion of Insight 00009312

Weak Potion of Insulation 0009848A

Weak Potion of Intelligence 000092F0

Weak Potion of Invisibility 0009847D

Weak Potion of Light 0009847F

Weak Potion of Luck 000092F2

Weak Potion of Magicka 000092F8

Weak Potion of Might 0000931C

Weak Potion of Nighteye 00098481

Weak Potion of Personality 000092F4

Weak Potion of Reflection 00098485

Weak Potion of Resistance 00098487

Weak Potion of Respite 0000930E

Weak Potion of Seastride 00009326

Weak Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE0

Weak Potion of Sorcery 0000931A

Weak Potion of Speed 000092F6

Weak Potion of Strength 000092FA

Weak Potion of the Sea 00009324

Weak Potion of Warmth 0009848B

Weak Potion of Willpower 00056E51

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion first released on Windows PC and Xbox 360 in 2006. A PlayStation 3 port followed in 2007. Set in a fictional land called Cyrodiil, its main story pits the player against a cult that wants to open portals to a hellish dimension called Oblivion. There are a large amount of PC cheat codes for the game. Here’s a list of every Alchemy item code you can use with the player.additem command.

This guide is for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Alchemy Item Codes

Use the below codes to spawn any Alchemy item in the game.

This guide is for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

This guide is for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Item Item Code

Ale 000B1200

Beer 000B1202

Cheap Wine 00037F7F

Cure for Vampirism 000977E4

Cyrodilic Brandy 00033569

Grand Elixir of Exploration 0004E93A

Hist Sap 0003356A

Human Blood 00098309

Mead 000B1201

Moderate Elixir of Exploration 0004E938

Newheim’s Special Brew 000B1241

Philter of Frostward 0007BCC9

Poison of Affliction 0008DC5C

Poison of Apathy 00009283

Poison of Burden 000984A5

Poison of Catastrophe 00009281

Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC58

Poison of Confusion 0008DC5E

Poison of Cowardice 00056E54

Poison of Debilitation 0000927D

Poison of Fatigue 0008DC70

Poison of Feeblemind 00009280

Poison of Frailty 00009285

Poison of Fright 0008DC6D

Poison of Fumbling 0000927C

Poison of Illness 0008DC73

Poison of Misfortune 0008DC61

Poison of Paralysis 00009302

Poison of Repulsion 00009282

Poison of Separation 00009284

Poison of Severing 0008DC76

Poison of Sickness 0000927F

Poison of Silence 00009320

Poison of Slowing 0008DC67

Poison of the Fool 0008DC64

Poison of Weakness 0008DC6A

Poison of Weariness 0000927E

Potion of Absorption 00009321

Potion of Agility 00098471

Potion of Alacrity 0009849B

Potion of Antivenom 00009308

Potion of Chameleon 00088B1C

Potion of Charisma 0009849A

Potion of Cure Disease 0000920E

Potion of Cure Paralysis 0000922E

Potion of Cure Poison 0000920F

Potion of Dedication 00056E55

Potion of Detect Life 000984A6

Potion of Disbelief 00009307

Potion of Dispel 0000927B

Potion of Endurance 00098472

Potion of Fatigue 00098473

Potion of Feather 000092E6

Potion of Fire Shield 000092E7

Potion of Fortitude 00098494

Potion of Fortune 00098498

Potion of Frost Shield 000092FE

Potion of Grace 00098493

Potion of Grounding 00009309

Potion of Healing 00098496

Potion of Health 00098474

Potion of Insight 00098497

Potion of Insulation 00009305

Potion of Intelligence 00098475

Potion of Invisibility 000092FF

Potion of Light 00009300

Potion of Luck 00098476

Potion of Magicka 00098477

Potion of Might 0009849C

Potion of Nighteye 00009301

Potion of Personality 00098478

Potion of Reflection 00009303

Potion of Resistance 00009304

Potion of Respite 00098495

Potion of Seastride 000984A4

Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE3

Potion of Sorcery 00098499

Potion of Speed 00098479

Potion of Strength 0009847A

Potion of the Sea 000984A3

Potion of Warmth 00009306

Potion of Willpower 00056E53

Rosethorn Mead 000B97EA

Shadowbanish Wine 00185DCD

Skooma 0004E0A9

Strong Elixir of Exploration 0004E939

Strong Poison of Affliction 0008DC5D

Strong Poison of Apathy 0009846A

Strong Poison of Burden 0000920D

Strong Poison of Catastrophe 00098464

Strong Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC5A

Strong Poison of Confusion 0008DC60

Strong Poison of Cowardice 00056E56

Strong Poison of Debilitation 000984AC

Strong Poison of Fatigue 0008DC72

Strong Poison of Feeblemind 00098462

Strong Poison of Frailty 0009846C

Strong Poison of Fright 0008DC6F

Strong Poison of Fumbling 000984AA

Strong Poison of Illness 0008DC75

Strong Poison of Misfortune 0008DC63

Strong Potion of Paralysis 00098484

Strong Poison of Repulsion 00098468

Strong Poison of Separation 00098466

Strong Poison of Severing 0008DC78

Strong Poison of Sickness 00098460

Strong Poison of Silence 0009849E

Strong Poison of Slowing 0008DC69

Strong Poison of the Fool 0008DC66

Strong Poison of Weakness 0008DC6C

Strong Poison of Weariness 000984AE

Strong Potion of Absorption 000984A0

Strong Potion of Agility 000092E9

Strong Potion of Alacrity 00009319

Strong Potion of Antivenom 00098490

Strong Potion of Chameleon 00088B1E

Strong Potion of Charisma 00009317

Strong Potion of Dedication 00056E58

Strong Potion of Detect Life 00009230

Strong Potion of Disbelief 0009848E

Strong Potion of Dispel 000984A8

Strong Potion of Endurance 000092EB

Strong Potion of Fatigue 000092ED

Strong Potion of Feather 0009846E

Strong Potion of Fire Shield 00098470

Strong Potion of Fortitude 0000930D

Strong Potion of Fortune 00009315

Strong Potion of Frost Shield 0009847C

Strong Potion of Grace 0000930B

Strong Potion of Grounding 00098492

Strong Potion of Healing 00009311

Strong Potion of Health 000092EF

Strong Potion of Insight 00009313

Strong Potion of Insulation 00098489

Strong Potion of Intelligence 000092F1

Strong Potion of Invisibility 0009847E

Strong Potion of Light 00098480

Strong Potion of Luck 000092F3

Strong Potion of Magicka 000092F9

Strong Potion of Might 0000931D

Strong Potion of Nighteye 00098482

Strong Potion of Personality 000092F5

Strong Potion of Reflection 00098486

Strong Potion of Resistance 00098488

Strong Potion of Respite 0000930F

Strong Potion of Seastride 00009327

Strong Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE4

Strong Potion of Sorcery 0000931B

Strong Potion of Speed 000092F7

Strong Potion of Strength 000092FB

Strong Potion of the Sea 00009325

Strong Potion of Warmth 0009848C

Strong Potion of Willpower 00056E57

Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 00037F84

Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 00037F82

Surilie Brothers Wine 00037F80

Tamika Vintage 399 00037F7E

Tamika Vintage 415 00037F83

Tamika’s West Weald Wine 00037F81

Turpentine 0018BD5A

Weak Elixir of Exploration 0004E937

Weak Poison of Affliction 0008DC5B

Weak Poison of Apathy 00098469

Weak Poison of Burden 0000920C

Weak Poison of Catastrophe 00098463

Weak Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC59

Weak Poison of Confusion 0008DC5F

Weak Poison of Cowardice 00056E59

Weak Poison of Debilitation  000984AB

Weak Poison of Fatigue 0008DC71

Weak Poison of Feeblemind 00098461

Weak Poison of Frailty 0009846B

Weak Poison of Fright 0008DC6E

Weak Poison of Fumbling 000984A9

Weak Poison of Illness 0008DC74

Weak Poison of Misfortune 0008DC62

Weak Poison of Paralysis 00098483

Weak Poison of Repulsion 00098467

Weak Poison of Separation 00098465

Weak Poison of Severing 0008DC77

Weak Poison of Sickness  000984AF

Weak Poison of Silence   0009849D

Weak Poison of Slowing 0008DC68

Weak Poison of the Fool 0008DC65

Weak Poison of Weakness 0008DC6B

Weak Poison of Weariness 000984AD

Weak Potion of Absorption 0009849F

Weak Potion of Agility 000092E8

Weak Potion of Alacrity 00009318

Weak Potion of Antivenom 0009848F

Weak Potion of Chameleon 00088B1D

Weak Potion of Charisma 00009316

Weak Potion of Dedication 00056E52

Weak Potion of Detect Life 0000922F

Weak Potion of Disbelief 0009848D

Weak Potion of Dispel 000984A7

Weak Potion of Endurance 000092EA

Weak Potion of Fatigue 000092EC

Weak Potion of Feather 0009846D

Weak Potion of Fire Shield 0009846F

Weak Potion of Fortitude 0000930C

Weak Potion of Fortune 00009314

Weak Potion of Frost Shield 0009847B

Weak Potion of Grace 0000930A

Weak Potion of Grounding 00098491

Weak Potion of Healing 00009310

Weak Potion of Health 000092EE

Weak Potion of Insight 00009312

Weak Potion of Insulation 0009848A

Weak Potion of Intelligence 000092F0

Weak Potion of Invisibility 0009847D

Weak Potion of Light 0009847F

Weak Potion of Luck 000092F2

Weak Potion of Magicka 000092F8

Weak Potion of Might 0000931C

Weak Potion of Nighteye 00098481

Weak Potion of Personality 000092F4

Weak Potion of Reflection 00098485

Weak Potion of Resistance 00098487

Weak Potion of Respite 0000930E

Weak Potion of Seastride 00009326

Weak Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE0

Weak Potion of Sorcery 0000931A

Weak Potion of Speed 000092F6

Weak Potion of Strength 000092FA

Weak Potion of the Sea 00009324

Weak Potion of Warmth 0009848B

Weak Potion of Willpower 00056E51

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  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weather Cheat Codes (PC)

  • Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats and Ingredient Codes for PC

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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Soul Gem Codes

The Lockpick Item Code Cheat for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on PC

The Lockpick Item Code Cheat for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Cheats — Rings, Amulets, and Clothing

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Cheats — Rings, Amulets, and Clothing

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion NPC Cheat Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion NPC Cheat Codes

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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Item Code Cheats for PC

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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Arrow Cheat Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weapon Cheat Codes on PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weapon Cheat Codes on PC

All Key Code Cheats for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

All Key Code Cheats for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Armor Code Cheats for PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Armor Code Cheats for PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Cheat Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Cheat Codes

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheat Codes for Completing Quests on PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheat Codes for Completing Quests on PC

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats for PS3

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats for PS3

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weather Cheat Codes (PC)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Weather Cheat Codes (PC)

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats and Ingredient Codes for PC

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats and Ingredient Codes for PC






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